Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

3 Using infinitives with to : Don’t close our youth centre!  G9 Read this e-mail to Rachel, finish the sentences with the words below and underline the infinitive forms. force expect last allowed where how happy people wants 4 Using infinitives with to after for + (pro)noun  G10 a) Use the phrases from the box below to form sentences with this infinitive construction. Example: There is a need for governments to create more democracy. There is There are It is a need reasons important not easy hard dangerous wrong for teenagers schools governments the media everyone parents me us to give teens enough freedom. to report human rights problems. to have an open mind. to take away rights. to listen to others’ points of view. to accept different lifestyles. to make the world a better place. to create more democracy. to fight for rights. b) With a partner, discuss five things you could personally do in the area of human rights and write them into your exercise books. Start like this: “It’s important/wrong/ … for teenagers to … .” 5 Gerund or infinitive? a) Complete this statement made by an American girl in a discussion. My parents had some friends over for dinner. Two of them kept on (1 say ) , “Oh, all those poor people in Africa. I just can’t stand hearing about all their problems! It makes me so sad when I think about it all.” Now, I’m not very good at (2 keep ) my mouth shut, so I told them, “The best thing for people like you (3 do ) would be to look in the mirror. Instead of (4 worry ) TIP Remember: • to stop doing sth. = to terminate an action She stopped thinking about her boyfriend when she fell in love again. • to stop to do sth. = to interrupt an action He was reading a book, and then he stopped to pick up his children from school. Hi Rachel! Have you heard? The town council (1) to close the youth club! If they do that, we won’t know (2) to meet our friends. Do they (3) us to do sports in the streets? They know we aren’t (4) to go to the private clubs. I know the building’s yucky, but I’d be (5) to help them with the repairs. We weren’t the only (6) to break windows! But of course we’re the (7) to hear about these plans. – Typical! No, they can’t . (8) us to give up our club! We know (9) to fight!  G11 Re.:Youth club Reply Reply toAll Forward 92 Human rights 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv