Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Gerunds and infinitives Grammar • A gerund is a form of a verb that is used like a noun, ending in -ing . It can either be used as the subject or as the object of a sentence. Fighting for human rights is not always easy. People in democratic countries can’t imagine living without basic rights. • Gerunds are also often used after prepositions such as: instead of protesting … by helping others … without thinking … in spite of being treated … Instead of protesting, however, most Americans decided to accept the Patriot Act.  G8 1 Using gerunds Complete the sentences below. Use the following verbs. Mike: I can’t imagine (1) a slave-owner. I mean, who could ever think of (2) another person? Zoe: Well, back in ancient Egypt human life didn’t mean much. (3) slaves to build new pyramids or whatever was normal. Everyone just accepted it. That was life back then. Mike: Not even the normal people seemed to be interested in (4) things. Zoe: Right, and when you’ve stopped (5) yourself how people in the past could possibly have been slave-owners, you can start (6) about the child slaves in Asia or Africa today, now. Mike: How can those parents stand the idea of their kids (7) like that? Zoe: Well, they were slaves, too; they’re used to (8) it. They don’t know it any other way. 2 Using gerunds after prepositions Pay attention to the prepositions and match up the sentences below. 1. People in democratic countries often enjoy their rights without A seeing people on TV who have to fight for their rights in authoritarian states. 2. Many people take their rights for granted, in spite of B just watching other people protest. 3. But apart from C talking to people involved and realising there is a cause worth fighting for. 4. That changes when people really get personally involved instead of D thinking of where those rights came from. 5. People will learn about human rights and democracy most directly by E occasionally donating small amounts of money to charities, few people think of doing more about human rights. see grow up change ask be own force think 91 7 Human rights Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv