Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Languages in use 1 How do you use English? a) Make a list of English words you regularly use outside English classes. b) Write down a German equivalent for each of the words. c) Would you rather use the English or the German expression? Give reasons. d) Where do you need to speak or write in English now, and where do you expect to use it in the future? 2 Use of foreign languages a) Fill in the following grid. Language 1 Language 2 Language 3 Which languages do you speak? How long have you been learning these languages? Where have you been learning these languages? Have you stayed in a country where these languages are used? How well do you know these languages?  beginner  intermediate  advanced  native  beginner  intermediate  advanced  native  beginner  intermediate  advanced  native Describe your level. b) In pairs: Talk to each other about the languages you know and the level of English you would like to achieve and give reasons. c) Present your partner's results to the group. Talk about the motivation of your partner to learn a foreign language as well as about his or her languages and level of competence. WORD BANK Language to speak fluently • mother tongue • native speaker • spontaneously • familiar • unfamiliar • topics • simple • complex • situations • to understand • everyday • basic • personal details • to interact with • to give reasons • to explain 8 The world speaks English 1 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv