Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

A real lives of real people 0 C ✔ B to make participants look foolish Q1 C / if they make friends Q2 D showing real people in unreal situations Q3 E may think they can learn something Q4 F given babies and toddlers Q5 G feel better about themselves Q6 H they could be in the same situation c) In small groups, discuss the questions below. Be prepared to give a statement in front of the class. • What do you think about docusoaps? • Do you think they portray life accurately? Why? Why not? • Why do you think people like watching them? • What’s the difference between a documentary and a docusoap? 3 Role play: What do you think about the show? Imagine you and your partner have read the article in the Peterborough School Observer and decided to watch “The Baby Borrowers”. One of you (A) thinks it is a great show, while the other (B) is completely against the whole idea. First collect arguments and then start your role play. See page 55 in your book for useful phrases for discussions. 4 Writing: A blog comment on a TV show  WG2 A viewer of “The Baby Borrowers” disagrees with the concept of the show. She expresses her opinion on a blog that you follow. You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should: • explain why you would/wouldn’t watch the show • discuss why you would/wouldn’t take part • give your own opinion on docusoaps Write around 200 words . by Joan 8 April, 5:41 p.m. I think “The Baby Borrowers” is an irresponsible show that puts the well-being of helpless babies at risk. Many studies have shown that babies and toddlers suffer when they are separated from their parents for a long time and are left with people whom they do not love or even know. Shame on television for using children, all in the name of entertainment and ratings. 50 Media-mad 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv