Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Focus on Reading Writing Vocabulary Grammar • Reading for gist • Predicting titles • Reading for detail • Analysing songs • Dealing with information from the internet • A mind map • A rap about your own life • A blog comment • Musical history • Producing music • Describing music • Adjectives and adverbs of manner and degree • Letters of application • CVs • Reading for detail (job adverts) • Reading for gist (job descriptions) • A letter of application • A curriculum vitae • A report about work experience • Personal skills • Jobs • Being polite • Interviews • Indirect speech • Reporting questions • Verbs of perception • Book reviews • Reading for detail • Reading poetry • A book review • A poem • A formal e-mail • A formal letter • Books • Literary genres • Reviewing books • Describing the quality of books • Poetry • Publishing • E-book readers • Conditional clauses 5 Table of contents Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv