Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Docusoaps 1 My favourite TV programme Talk about what kind of TV programmes you enjoy and explain why. • Is there anything you don’t want to miss? • Are there any shows you don’t like watching at all? 2 Docusoaps a) Have you ever heard the word “docusoap”? What kind of TV programme could this be? b) Read the text below about the TV genre “docusoap”. Parts of the text have been removed. Choose the correct part (A–H) for the gaps (1–6). Write your answers in the boxes provided. There is one extra part that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you. It’s real – isn’t it? WORD BANK TV programmes action/adventure movie/series • cartoons • children’s programmes • comedy shows • cop/detective series • courtroom/legal shows • documentary • game shows • music shows • mystery shows • news • reality shows • science fiction/fantasy movies • sitcom • soap opera • sports programme • talk shows • thriller • Western movie FACT FILE • A soap opera is a type of TV series, usually about love, romance and relationships. • Each episode finishes with a dramatic, open ending, so that viewers turn on the series next time, too. • It is called “soap” opera because the early radio serials had soap manufacturers as sponsors. I bet you love those TV programmes where people move to another country and we can go with them and see how they’re doing: if they find somewhere to live or … (0) . You might also like to see the shows where people want to find a job. There are three candidates, but they’re put on trial and the employer in the end picks the best. Recently, I’ve seen a production where teenagers could try out how it is to be a parent. They were … (Q1) to take care of. Programmes like “The Baby Borrowers” are very popular nowadays. They are called docusoaps. “Docu” stands for documentary, a type of TV production that shows the … (Q2) . And “soap”, well, this comes from the TV genre “soap opera” – romantic and never-ending series shown every afternoon or early evening. A docusoap does both: It shows real people, but often little stories are constructed around these people via editing or planned situations. It’s real, isn’t it? Docusoaps are usually exciting and involving. Viewers find it easy to relate to the people that are shown on TV because … (Q3) : docusoaps connect directly to viewers. In the end, these shows present everyday people and no superstars. If a programme shows people in an unfortunate situation, if they suffer bad luck or lead a life that’s not as good as the life of some viewers, then viewers might even … (Q4) . Imagine seeing someone without a job, stranded in a country without knowing the language. Wouldn’t you think “This could never happen to me”? We mustn’t forget that television has the power … (Q5) . People appearing in docusoaps might have to suffer silly remarks from colleagues or friends if their comments or actions are shown out of context and appear strange. Apart from that, docusoaps seem to be educational TV and viewers … (Q6) from such a programme where in reality they are just tricked into believing something that’s not real. What do you think about docusoaps? Do you like to watch them – and which are your favourites? Just send me an e-mail and your opinion might appear in the next edition of the Peterborough School Observer! 49 4 Media-mad Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv