Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

3 Reading: Reality or fiction? a) Read the second extract from the film script. b) Look at the underlined passages and explain them. This second extract comes later in the movie. The adult Truman now knows his world is fake, but he does not know why. He has just tried to escape from Seahaven, but has been stopped. 4 Talk about the two extracts. a) Explain the contrast in the way we see Truman in the two extracts. b) How is Truman’s life like our own? c) What is the movie’s message about the media? 5 Vocabulary: Review Complete the review with suitable words. In the (1) The Truman Show the main (2) is Truman Burbank. Truman, who has lived his whole life in a giant (3) , is the star of a (4) show which people can watch on (5) twenty-four hours a day. He himself has no idea that his world is (6) , that the people around him are all (7) and that everything is controlled by Christof, the (8) of the show. The movie has an important (9) . It makes everyone who sees it think about the power of the (10) in their lives. A LIVING ROOM SOMEWHERE. NIGHT. Two old women sit on their sofa. On the television in front of them, a live picture of Truman drinking a cup of coffee at his kitchen table. A message appears on screen: “FOLGERS Coffee – Good To the Last Drop.” Then a title, “Truman – Total Record of a Human Life” appears. This is replaced by an interviewer sitting opposite Christof. STUDIO. NIGHT. Interv.: (to camera) Welcome to week seventeen hundred and sixty-eight of “Truman”. This is “Tru Talk”, the forum where we discuss events with the show’s award-winning director, Christof. (to Christof) Before we start taking calls, what keeps us watching one man twenty-four hours a day? Christof: The reality. We’ve become frustrated watching actors give us false emotions. While the world he lives in is fake, there’s nothing fake about Truman himself. No scripts. No cue cards. He tells us about ourselves. – How about some viewers’ calls now? The Interviewer presses a button on his desk. Interv.: Charlotte, North Carolina, for Christof. You’re on, caller. Go ahead. Man: Truman has never been closer. The way he looked directly at us, spoke to us for the first time. Do you think he’ll ever work it out? Christof: Not now. He tested his world, as we all do at times, and it passed the test. Interv.: (pressing another button) Long Island, you’re on “Tru Talk”. Woman: How can you say Truman lives a life like any other? Christof: The only difference between Truman’s life and our own is that his is recorded. We all play our roles … Woman: He’s not a performer. He’s a prisoner. Christof: He can leave at any time. If he wanted to discover the truth, there’s no way we could stop him. I think he feels comfortable in his “cell” … Woman: No, you’re wrong! He’ll prove you wrong! He can still do it! Christof: (directly to camera) Do I know you, caller? You sound familiar. 47 4 Media-mad Nur z Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv