Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Check-out 1 your turn: A talk about Australia Give a three-minute talk about what interests you most about Australia. Make notes first. Or: You were in Australia and had an adventure. Give a three-minute talk about it. 2 Writing: That’s how discrimination works Write a text of about 150 words in which you explain how people are discriminated against. • Describe at least two situations where people are treated unfairly. • Give examples what people could do against it. 3 Speaking: Which trip is better? Two teenagers from Europe are planning a two-week trip to Australia. One of them (A) wants to travel around in the outback. The other one (B) would like to spend the time in a city on the coast. Make notes for a role play. Think about the advantages and the disadvantages of both ideas. Then act out your role play. 4 Language in use: Sylvia’s new job You are going to read a text about Sylvia’s new job. Some words are missing from the text. Complete the text with appropriate words. Use only one word in each gap. My name’s Sylvia, and I’ve just started working at a beach cafe (1) is very close to my home. The boss is OK. He lets us take food home with us sometimes, but he (2) us wear these uniforms (3) look really stupid. Carrie, the other waitress, is really nice. When I forget my mobile, she lets me borrow hers. There’s a cook here, too, (4) makes all the salads, but the boss (5) the pizzas delivered from an Italian restaurant. We get all kinds of customers. There’s the mum (6) tells her kids, “I’ll (7) you have ice-cream if you eat up your salad first.” And there are a few horrible people like the guy (8) nearly made me cry yesterday. But I (9) him wait a long time for his food! Then I dropped a plate of spaghetti on the floor. Of course the boss (10) me clean up the mess. He said to me, “You should (11) your hair cut. You can’t see anything!” After that he (12) me go home early because things weren’t so busy. Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions. (B1) Can write very brief reports to a standard conventionalised format, which pass on routine factual information and state reasons for actions. (B1) Can make his/her opinions and reactions understood as regards [...] practical questions of where to go, what to do, how to organise an event (e.g. an outing). (B1) NOW yOU CAN ✔ Talk about Australia (Aboriginals; settlers; nature/animals). ✔ Discuss discrimination. ✔ Take better notes while you listen for gist and details. ✔ Recognize when to use let, make and have . ✔ Add information with relative clauses. 43 3 Australia Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv