Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

2 Questions a) How does each person react to the new situation? b) Why do they react like this? c) Read the following sentence: “Between them the distance was less than the length of an arm, but more than 100,000 years.” What does it mean? d) Why does this distance disappear? 3 Characterization a) Find sentences in the text that show how the characters feel and behave. b) How do these adjectives describe the three characters? c) What other adjectives can you think of? 4 Listening: Walkabout a) You are going to listen to two students talking about Walkabout on the phone. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While Iistening, match the beginnings of the sentences (1–7) with the sentce endings (A–H). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 0 Zach thinks that … D ✔ A they are human beings just like everybody else. Q1 Darren wants to know … B more about the symbols used in the story. Q2 Darren has only got to the part where … C get colds. Q3 The fact that the two boys in the story laugh shows that … D / Darren has not read Walkabout . Q4 Aboriginals do not … E what happens at the end of the story. Q5 The Aboriginal boy has never … F that Mary and Peter are safe. Q6 The Aboriginal boy makes sure … G seen any white people before. Q7 Zach does not tell Darren … H the Aboriginal boy thinks he is going to die. b) Why would/wouldn’t you have helped Darren? 5 your turn: The Aboriginal boy After having met Mary and Peter the Aboriginal boy goes home and talks to his parents. He explains what happened to him that day. Tell the story from his point of view. Before you start talking make notes in your exercise book. Talk to the class and start like this: I was out hunting all day and I was lucky to kill a rock wallaby. On the way back … e) How would you have reacted in the same situation? Would you have been afraid? f) Have you ever got the wrong idea about someone? g) How did he/she turn out to be different? h) Would you like to read this novel? Why? Why not? 1.5 (over)protective confident brave careful direct strong 33 3 Australia Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv