Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

4 Language in use: Present and past tenses Complete this dialogue with the correct tenses. Be careful, there are two options that you won’t need. are been calmed didn’t don’t (2x) go had (2x) had been has has gone have (2x) jumped left was went Claire: .................................. (1) you ever .................................. (2) to the US? Thomas: No, I haven’t. Have you? Claire: Yes, I have. I .................................. (3) to California last year. Thomas: And did you like it? Claire: Oh yes, I liked it a lot. Everybody was so easy-going. You know I .................................. (4) never .................................. (5) Europe until then and so this big trip was really a first. Thomas: I think I wouldn’t like to .................................. (6) there. Claire: Why not? Thomas: I .................................. (7) like flying, especially long distances. Claire: How come? Thomas: My first flight was a disaster. The weather was so bad – there .................................. (8) heavy storms for days – and so we had a lot of problems during the flight. Almost everybody .................................. (9) sick. As soon as the plane had touched down and stopped in the parking position I .................................. (10) frommy seat and ran to the door. But I couldn’t get out, of course. The flight attendants .................................. (11) me down. It was so embarrassing. I .................................. (12) like it at all. Claire: That was a bit unfortunate. I .................................. (13) never .................................. (14) such a bad flight. Especially long-distance flights .................................. (15) normally very smooth. I’d love to go to America again. .................................. (16) you want to come along too, in spite of your bad experiences? 29 2 Identities – what next? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv