Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Present and past forms Grammar • Use present forms to talk about regular events or the situation at the moment. • Use present perfect forms for actions in the past that are linked to the present. • Use past forms when actions are completely in the past. • Use past perfect forms to express actions that happened before other actions in the past. • All tenses can be used in the simple form or the progressive form . For more details see  G3 1 Tense forms a) Look at the text about Facebook on page 24 again and underline the tense forms. b) Which tense form is most often used in each paragraph? c) What have the tenses got to do with the content? 2 Simple and progressive forms? a) In the following dialogues find examples of the four tenses above, in the simple form and the progressive form. b) Explain why these forms are used. c) What signal words are typical of these forms? 3 Past or present perfect forms? Complete the dialogue with the correct past forms or present perfect forms. Mum: Are you still in front of that computer? You (sit) there all morning. Kid: Well, I (do research) on new TVs. Mum: We don’t need a new TV! I (tell) you that the other day. Kid: Oh, Mum! We (have) ours for ages. Mum: I only (buy) it four years ago. Kid: Technology (improve) since then. Ed (get) a new TV last month. When I went over, he (watch) a football match. The picture quality is amazing! Mum: It’s programme quality that we need. The level (go down) for years. And a new TV won’t help with that! “Hi! I’ve been trying to call you all morning. I bought this mobile yesterday. I’d been thinking about it for ages. And while I was walking past the shop, I noticed they’d reduced the price. Lucky, eh? So now I’m talking to you on the latest E-phone!” “The latest? Are you sure? They usually reduce the price when they’ve just developed a new model!” 26 Identities – what next? 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv