Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

5 Talk about Jimmy. a) How is his life different from most other people’s lives? b) Why did he become the kind of person he is? 6 Examine the text structure. Divide the text into parts. Write down what each part is about. Start like this: Childhood: part 1, line 1 – … 7 Complete the sentences about Jimmy’s early life. The conjunctions will help you to decide how to go on. Only look at your book if you need help. 1. Jimmy and his family drive around New Mexico until their old bus . 2. Then their army tent flies away, so they . 3. They plan to live off fish although . 4. Life is more normal for the kids when . 5. But they are not like other people because . 6. Jimmy becomes a doctor after . 7. He goes to the Congo and starts a hospital where . 8 Make up Jimmy’s answers. Imagine Jimmy is being interviewed on TV at the beginning of a trip back to America. How do you think he would answer these questions? Write down his answers in your exercise book. 1. “Could you tell us something about what’s it like where you live in Africa, Jimmy?” 2. “How are you planning to spend your time during your trip back home?” 3. “How do people here usually react when you ask them to help you in your work?” 4. “What happens while you’re away? I mean, who’s looking after your hospital now?” 5. “How do you talk to your patients? Can you speak to them in their own language?” 6. “You could have a much easier life as a doctor here. So why do you work in Africa?” 7. “Is there anything you’d like to say to the people who are watching this interview?” 23 2 Identities – what next? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv