Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

3 Lucy’s interview Complete the dialogue with the correct future forms. Lucy: Oh no! Look at those black clouds – it (rain) in a minute. If I get wet on my way to my job interview, I (look) terrible. Please, Dad! Can you take me there? Dad: Sorry, I (give) a presentation at work. It (start) at 9.15, and – Lucy: No problem. You can take me first. My interview (not be) until 9.45, but it’s better to be early than wet! It (not take) me long to get ready. (runs upstairs) Dad: (shouts) But Lucy, I have to leave right away! My boss and I (meet) before the presentation to (gives up) – oh dear, it (be) one of those days! 4 your plans are part of you. a) How do you see your own future? Make a list of the things you would like to do in the next ten years. b) What are the steps you need to take in order to achieve what you want? c) Write a paragraph describing your plans and predicting what your life will be like. (You needn’t be too serious!) 5 Writing: A letter to a school abroad  WG1 Imagine you have decided to spend a year at a school abroad. Write a letter to the head of that school, present yourself and ask for information. Use the letter below as a model and include the following points: • personal details and your interests • your plans for the next year • the reasons why you would like to go abroad Dear Mrs Honeywell, My name is .................. . The reason why I’m writing to you is that I would like to spend .................. at your school. I’m currently going to school in .................. in Austria. .................. .................. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, .................. 19 2 Identities – what next? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv