Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

189 V Vocabulary warden !*wC"dn? Aufseher/in A neighbourhood warden has kept her job after being convicted of kicking relatives during a family party. genius !*dZi"niEs? Genie, das Geniale Leonardo da Vinci, the untaught genius , left thousands of drawings. to harmonise harmonisieren The countries have made every effort to harmonise their standards to those of the EU. thoughtful aufmerksam How thoughtful of you to take the dog out! legendary !*ledZEndEri? legendär This is Grandpa, a legendary guitarist in the ’60es. yellow spotted lizard Krokodil-Nachtechse yellow spotted lizard found in Australia! moving bewegend, berührend This was a moving story. It even made me cry. to be blamed for beschuldigt werden für Why am I always blamed for my sister’s wrongdoing? to sense spüren, fühlen Right from the beginning, she sensed their hostility. excavation Ausgrabung Risa Rock is a Norwegian tunnel excavation company. to set out to do sth. sich an etw. machen, sich etw. vornehmen We set out to stay in this division, and we have achieved what we wanted to. seamlessly nahtlos Read how to sync documents seamlessly from your PC to your phone. 6 artificial !A"tIfISEl? künstlich Artificial lighting always makes my eyes hurt. brilliance !*brIliEnts? Brillanz Look at the brilliance of the colours in this photo! charming bezaubernd, charmant What a charming idea! delicacy !*delIkEsi? Takt, Feingefühl Delicacy would not allow her to be rude. delicately !*delIkEtli? (hier:) taktvoll We need to handle the situation delicately . exemplary !IG*zEmplEri? beispielhaft The headteacher at Sandringham School described him as an exemplary student. gripping fesselnd, spannend The Honda rider took second place in a gripping Grand Prix of Spain at Jerez today. touching berührend The touching story of their romance could only have happened in Las Vegas. unrivalled !0n*raIvld? unvergleichlich, unerreicht His brilliance as a cook is still unrivalled . to motivate motivieren How could I motivate you to study more for school? synonym Synonym “Pricey” is a synonym for “expensive”. Painting pictures with words 1 colour slide Farbdia My grandpa uses colour slides ; I always upload my photos to a photo community website. to probe one’s way out seinen Weg hinaus finden Could you check the cage of your pet rat? I think it’s trying to probe its way out . shore Küste Gigantic oil pollution at Western shore 2 stanza !*stxnzE? Strophe How many stanzas does this poem have? rhyme pattern Reimschema I can’t analyse the rhyme pattern of this song. to express views Ansichten ausdrücken May I express my views on the subject, please? metaphor !*metEfE? Metapher, bildlicher Ausdruck Don’t worry, “to break the ice” is just a metaphor . metre Versmaß The metre is the rhythm of a piece of poetry. quote Zitat There is a famous quote by Martin Luther King. rhythmical creation rhytmische Kreation What a wonderfully rhythmical creation . Could you read it again, please? 3 greenhouse Glashaus We are growing tomatoes in our greenhouse . sticky klebrig Toffee is quite sticky between your teeth. calming beruhigend This music is quite calming for the baby. speckled gefleckt This morning I noticed that my glasses were speckled . to gulp down hinunterschlingen He gulped down the hamburger quickly and left. to peel off schälen She peeled off the apple’s skin. buzzing of the bees Summen der Bienen Elephants usually flee from the buzzing of the bees . rustling of leaves Rascheln der Blätter Did you hear the rustling of leaves ? Someone is approaching the house! messy schmutzig Don’t look into my room, it’s really messy ! 4 workshop Workshop, Arbeitsgruppe This year’s girls-only science workshop was quite popular among the students. to compete against others mit anderen in Konkurrenz treten If you want to find a job, you’ll have to compete against others . monetary award Geldpreis There is a monetary award for the most innovative business idea. scholarship Stipendium You should really apply for a scholarship . to be beware of sich hüten vor Be beware of my mother, she can be quite grumpy. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv