Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

188 Vocabulary V Unit 10: Books orthodox orthodox Some people who hold an orthodox view on evolution. upbringing Erziehung Studies suggest bad behaviour results from a lack of discipline in a child’s upbringing . homosexuality Homosexualität Homosexuality has only recently been decriminalised in India. to clash with In Konflikt geraten mit Gay marriage clashes with Catholic observance. observance !Eb*z3"vnts? Einhaltung (von Geboten) All shops will be closed in observance of Easter. to alter !*C"ltE? ändern Eliot was persuaded to alter the passage. to stumble across stolpern über Yesterday I stumbled across an interesting article. all-in-one alles inbegriffen Modern smartphones are all-in-one devices. survival guide Überlebensratgeber You’d better read this survival guide before travelling to the jungle. to set the record straight ein Missverständnis aufklären Let me set the record straight . I’ve never had a relationship with this woman! peer group Gleichaltrige Today, young people are influenced a lot by their peer groups . 1 blurb !bl3"b? Umschlag Before I spend £35 on that book I’ll read the blurb to find out if it’s worth it. protagonist Protagonist/in, Hauptperson The protagonist of the story is a teacher in his fifties. publisher Verleger/in He was happy to find a publisher for his novel. publishing house Verlag He recently signed a contract with a big publishing house . preface !*prefIs? Vorwort The preface was written by Bill Clinton. 2 similarities between Ähnlichkeiten zwischen I can see some similarities between the two cases. Talking about books 1 guideline Richtlinie Doctors establish new guidelines for prescribing medicine. how-to book/guide Ratgeber If you want to renovate your house yourself, just check this how-to book . to analyse analysieren They have to keep analysing data to find solutions. mystery novel Kriminalroman Mary Higgins Clark wrote a number of mystery novels . thriller Krimi, Thriller I can’t wait to turn the page. This thriller is so exciting! science fiction novel Science-Fiction-Roman A science fiction novel often shows us a future world. gardening handbook Gartenhandbuch Where’s the gardening handbook ? I don’t know which of these plants are actually weeds. travel guide Reiseführer Don’t forget to put the travel guide into the suitcase! reference book Nachschlagewerk Wikipedia isn’t everything. There are also reference books you could check. cookery book Kochbuch I’d like to have a cookery book by Jamie Oliver for Christmas. classics Klassiker Download classics for free at self-help guide Selbsthilfe-Ratgeber In this self-help guide , you will find practical ideas on how to make changes in your life. romance Liebesroman The romance novel is a literary genre focussing on the relationship between two people. young adult novel Jugendroman The young adult novel Birthmarked focuses on eco issues. adventure story Abenteuergeschichte Indiana Jones is an adventure story . 3 loyalty !*lCIElti? Loyalität Pet dogs have a large sense of loyalty to humans. presumably !prI*zju"mEbli? vermutlich This will presumably cost £100. overweight übergewichtig The top reason recruits are rejected for military service in the US is their being overweight . hopeless hoffnungslos The situation is hopeless . We have no chance to succeed. to curse !k3"s? verfluchen She put a curse on him. run of bad luck Pech She had hoped that her run of bad luck might be over. sneakers Turnschuhe You can’t wear sneakers to this dance. homeless shelter Obdachlosenheim Sue helps out at the homeless shelter at weekends. fundraiser Wohtätigkeitsveranstaltung On Sunday, a fundraiser for the local homeless shelter is being held at The Savoy in Towcester. disturbing beunruhigend, aufwühlend This was the most disturbing e-mail I have ever received in my life. neither – nor weder – noch She can neither dance nor play the piano. authoritative !C"TOrItEtIv? autoritär His authoritative manner made a strong impression on the students. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv