Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

186 Vocabulary V Unit 9: Jobs growth rate Wachstumsrate Sky TV claimed its fastest customer growth rate ever. environmental consultant Umweltberater/in Environmental consultants give advice to companies that want to turn their business into a greener one. cosmetologist !+kOzmI*tOlEdZist? Kosmetiker/in I’ll have to see a cosmetologist to get rid of my acne. public relations specialist PR-Spezialist/in Even the church employs a public relations specialist nowadays. human resources professional Personalberater/in If you want to get that job you’ll have to get past the human resources professional first. advertising executive Werbefachmann/-frau The advertising executive is responsible for a company’s advertising campaigns. counsellor Berater/in My brother works as a counsellor for a publisher. data communications analyst Datenanalyst/in 1 personal skills persönliche Fähigkeiten During the job interview you’ll also have to comment on your personal skills . outgoing umgänglich If you want to work as a waiter or waitress you should be outgoing . disciplined diszipliniert You must be very disciplined to take evening classes. eloquent !*elEkwEnt? redegewandt Politicians need to be eloquent in discussions. punctual pünktlich to be punctual = to be on time trustworthy !*tr0st+w3"Di? vertrauenswürdig People working in a bank need to be trustworthy . convincing überzeugend If you’re not convincing you have no chance as a salesperson. self-confident selbstbewusst I think I’m quite self-confident . I know my strengths and weaknesses. prospect !*prOspekt? Aussicht If we get the job our prospects are really promising. increasingly zunehmend Her job has become increasingly difficult. 2 decorator Ausstatter/in A decorator designs shop windows so that people become interested in what a shop has on offer. stand-in Vertretung, Double There’s always a stand-in singer in an opera in case the star gets ill and can’t make it to the performance. bridesmaid Brautjungfer My sister asked me to be her bridesmaid ! haunted house !hC"ntId? Geisterhaus My favourite attraction in Chessington World of Adventures is the Haunted House . silent movie pianist Stummfilmpianist/in When films had no sounds there were silent movie pianists to accompany the film with music. door-to-door Haus zu Haus As a door-to-door salesperson he speaks to hundreds of people every day. candyfloss maker Zuckerwattehersteller/in Every child loves the candyfloss maker at a fair. Jobs, jobs, jobs … 1 stereotype Stereotyp, Klischee It’s a stereotype that only boys can become good mechanics. irregular hours unregelmäßige Arbeitszeiten Doctors have to get used to working irregular hours . TV presenter TV-Präsentator/in Thomas Gottschalk is a famous TV presenter . 3 officer in charge diensthabende/r Beamtin/ Beamter The officer in charge has to make a decision. firearms !*faIEA"mz? Feuerwaffen Firearms are not allowed on board. Work experience 1 workplace Arbeitsplatz/-stätte workplace  work  worker  to work work placement Praktikumsplatz Have you already organised your work placement ? key skills Schlüsselqualifikationen Today’s key skills are probably flexibility and the ability to learn. time management Zeitmanagement If you want to finish projects in time you should work on your time management . vacation (AE) !vE*keISn? Urlaub, Ferien I’m on vacation in February. to make an impact (on) einen Eindruck hinterlassen The trip to the hospital really made an impact on me. to give sth. a go etw. versuchen Why don’t you give it a go and find out if you like it? 2 health and safety rules Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsvorschriften Health and safety rules have to be obeyed at all times. A-level subjects Gegenstände, die zur britischen Reifeprüfung gewählt werden work experience Praktikum, Berufserfahrung Work experience is essential for your CV. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv