Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

185 V Vocabulary sophisticated !sE*fIstIkeItId? raffiniert, ausgeklügelt His first song sounded very sophisticated . to swap !swOp? tauschen They swapped clothes outside the bank. Rap and hip hop hip hop Hip-Hop (Musikrichtung mit Wurzeln in der schwarzen Funk- und Soul-Musik) Hip hop is a music genre that was created in the US. beat (rhythmischer) Schlag Move your feet to the beat of the drum. to originate from stammen von My family originated from Ireland. entire !In*taIE? ganz The entire family was at her birthday party. gang life Bandenleben Teenagers from all social backgrounds have been attracted by gang life . drug abuse Drogenmissbrauch Drug abuse is quite common among poor people in the US. to be involved in verwickelt sein in His whole family was involved in the preparations of the party. urban städtisch The largest urban district is in the north of the city centre. gang warfare Bandenkrieg In some areas drug trafficking has resulted in open gang warfare . street art Straßenkunst Graffiti is a form of street art . 2 to rehearse proben (Theaterstück, Konzert) Actors have to rehearse before a play can be performed in public. inspiration Inspiration, Anregung The composer got his inspiration for the song from an old fairy tale. to depend on abhängen von The success of the show very much depends on how she sings. to mistake sb./sth. for sb./sth. jmdn./etw. mit jmd./etw. anderem verwechseln I mistook him for my brother because they nearly look the same in the dark. homeboy (slang, AE) enger Freund, Kumpel He hung out with his homeboys after the match. similarity Ähnlichkeit They are twins, but surprisingly there is no similarity between them. 3 to replace sth. with sth. etw. durch etw. ersetzen If you replace the broken hard drive with a new one, your computer will work again. chorus Refrain, Kehrvers Try to remember the chorus . Text: More teens moving away from CDs 2 record store Plattengeschäft Loving music, he opened a record store at age 21. to be attached to ! bI E*txtSt tu? hängen an Lots of adults were still attached to country music. a low-pay job eine niedrig bezahlte Arbeit The farm worker could only get a low-pay job . homeschooler Schüler/in mit Heimunterricht As a homeschooler he didn’t have to get up early. artwork Illustrationen As the artwork was offensive, it had to be replaced. 3 source of information Informationsquelle What was your source of information ? Adjectives and adverbs of manner and degree straight !streIt? gerade Use a ruler if you want to draw a straight line. 2 a grave mistake ein schwerer Fehler Not to talk to her was a grave mistake . 3 meaningful bedeutend, bedeutungsvoll They could not give a meaningful answer. scarcely !skeEsli? kaum They would scarcely complain about the music – in fact, they never complained at all. poetic !pEU*etIk? poetisch, dichterisch ”I don’t ever want to see your ugly face again!” isn’t exactly a poetic phrase for a song. Check-out 1 widespread use weit verbreitete Verwendung The widespread use of file-sharing sites is damaging to the music industry. sound pollution akustische Umweltverschmutzung Sound pollution is a major problem in inner-city areas. public transport öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Public transport is virtually non-existent. to annoy !E*nCI? stören, ärgern I think his opinion is extremely annoying . 2 file-sharing site Tauschbörse im Internet He got the song from a file-sharing site . creator !kri*eItE? Schöpfer/in The creator of the song was not mentioned at all. service provider Dienstleistungsunternehmen Most internet service providers use spam filters. swollen (an)geschwollen After the attack her ankle was swollen . to mirror widerspiegeln This behaviour mirrors her father’s misconduct. Nur zu Prüfzwe ken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv