Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

184 Vocabulary V microphone (mike) !*maIkrEfEUn (maIk)? Mikrofon The microphone was broken, so we could not hear anything. digital audio workstation Computer für digitale Tonaufnahmen His friend allowed Sam to use his digital audio workstation in the new studio. multi-track audio recorder mehrspuriges Aufnahmegerät The most expensive part of his studio equipment was the multi-track audio recorder . audio editing software Software zur Tonbearbeitung The new audio editing software will help him a lot. tutorial !tju"*tC"riEl? Anleitung The online tutorial will start in ten minutes. raw file unbearbeitete Datei The raw file would not fit on a CD. on the radio im Radio However, they didn’t play their songs on the radio . to release a song ein Lied veröffentlichen A lot of artists release some of their songs on the internet only. to mix mischen They recorded the instruments individually and then they mixed the tracks. to master mastern, endgültige Abmischung herstellen The new song had to be re- mastered before it was released. adventurous !Ed*ventSErEs? experimentier-/risikofreudig, abenteuerlustig adventurous  adventure without the help of ohne die Hilfe von What would they have done without the help of their parents? record label !*rekC"d *leIbl? Plattenfirma The two founded their record label as teenagers. 3 flow chart Flussdiagramm Please use a flow chart for your presentation. profile page Profilseite Her profile page says it all. She must be in love. 4 what needs to be done was getan werden muss It is difficult to say what needs to be done . 6 video blog Videoblog She posted the news on her video blog . Protest songs 1 harmonious !hA"*mEUniEs? harmonisch,wohlklingend Most people agree that Mozart’s music is harmonious . dissonant !*dIsEnEnt? dissonant, nicht harmonisch dissonant  harmonious obnoxious !Eb*nOkSEs? unausstehlich, unmöglich, widerwärtig She can be so obnoxious , wanting to win all the time! idealistic idealistisch Idealistic people have a strong sense of social justice. 2 to be supposed to (etw. tun) sollen I am supposed to call my mum on Sunday. bitch (vulgar) Miststück, Schlampe, Zicke (derb) You wouldn’t want to call anyone a bitch in an English-speaking country; it’s very rude. rumor (AE) Gerücht “Have you heard the new rumor about Daniel?” – “No, and I’m not interested in it.” to slander (sb./sth.) !*slA"ndE? (jmdn./etw.) verleumden to slander sb. = to spread false rumours/stories about sb. popularity Beliebtheit, Popularität popularity  popular controversy !*kOntrEv3"si? Auseinandersetzung, Kontroverse controversy = a public discussion featuring very different and often emotional opinions to stand one’s ground sich behaupten to stand one’s ground = to refuse to give up to lift one’s hands die Hände hochheben She lifted her hands and waved at the people. proud stolz He was so proud of his daughter. to take a deep breath tief einatmen/Luft holen “I don’t know if I can sing in front of all those people!” – “ Take a deep breath , concentrate and go out there!” to hold sb. down jmdn. unterdrücken to hold sb. down = to stop sb. from achieving sth. to offend beleidigen, verletzen Topics like religion or politics aren’t good for starting small talk; people can be easily offended . double standard !*d0bl *stxndEd? Doppelmoral When you buy something expensive it’s OK, but when I do it it’s not. What a double standard ! glory Ruhm, Ehre It was a moment of glory to win the gold medal. whore (vulgar) !hC"? Nutte, Flittchen (derb) The fastest way not to make friends in English- speaking countries is to call someone a whore . to get away with mit etw. durchkommen I didn’t think the President would get away with it. to get named (coll.) beschimpft werden to get named = to have your name connected with sth. bad (e.g. a bad rumour) dove !d0v? Taube White doves are a symbol of peace. cannon ball Kanonenkugel Lord Nelson was fatally hit by a cannon ball . to ban verbieten Smoking in bars was banned in Italy years ago. 4 solution to Lösung für I’m sorry, but I don’t have a solution to your problem. 7 monotonous !mE*nOtEnEs? monoton His speech was monotonous . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv