Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

182 Vocabulary V to smuggle schmuggeln to smuggle sth. into a country = to bring sth. into a country illegally to recruit !rI*kru"t? rekrutieren Soldiers are recruited to the army. pick-pocketing Taschendiebstahl Pick-pocketing is a real problem in some big cities. ancient !*eIntSEnt? antik, sehr alt In the ancient world of Rome and Egypt, only very few people enjoyed rights. the Middle Ages Mittelalter the Middle Ages = the time in history from about 500 to 1500 AD landowner Grundbesitzer/in In Brazil or the US there are landowners who own areas the size of countries like Belgium or Holland. freedom to protest !*fri"dEm tE prEU*test? Recht auf Versammlungsfreiheit Each human should have the right to freedom of speech and freedom to protest . dictator Diktator/in History shows what awful things a dictator can do. to pass a law ein Gesetz verabschieden In October 2001, Congress passed the Patriot Act. activist Aktivist/in activist  activity  active loss of privacy Verlust der Privatsphäre Easier access to personal information could lead to a loss of privacy . 2 to arrest verhaften In many countries, people can get arrested without any obvious reason. to demonstrate against demonstrieren gegen to demonstrate  demonstration sweatshop Ausbeuterbetrieb A lot of clothes in western countries still come from sweatshops that use little children as workers. 3 traffic jam Verkehrsstau There are more and more traffic jams in Austria’s cities. 4 to be respected respektiert werden to be respected  respect racist comment !*reIsIst *kOment? rassistischer Kommentar I wish he would stop making those racist comments . undercover police verdeckte Ermittler The undercover police do not wear uniforms. creep widerlicher Mensch She’s a creep – nobody really likes her. at risk in Gefahr He’s at risk of being arrested. to turn to sb. sich an jmdn. wenden I’m turning to you because I’m sure you can help me. Gerunds and infinitives either – or entweder – oder Either you win or you lose. 1 pyramid Pyramide The Cheops Pyramid is the oldest of the three pyramids at Giza. to stand sth. etw. aushalten I cannot stand your views on human rights! 2 to take … for granted für selbstverständlich halten Don’t take your personal rights for granted . worth fighting for wert dafür zu kämpfen Human rights are always worth fighting for . occasionally !E*keIZEnEli? gelegentlich, hin und wieder Occasionally , I donate money to a charity. to donate to für … spenden to donate  donation 3 town council Stadtrat A town council is a democratically elected form of government. yucky ekelig This food tastes yucky – I don’t want to eat it. 4 a need for (hier:) die Notwendigkeit, dass There is a need for more tolerance in the world. to have an open mind aufgeschlossen sein to have an open mind = to be open-minded to make the world a better place die Welt verbessern Making the world a better place is an ambitious aim. 5 to terminate beenden to terminate = to end, to finish to pick up children from school Kinder von der Schule abholen Can you pick up the children from school today? to have some friends over for dinner einige Freunde/Freundinnen zum Abendessen einladen I have my friends over at my house for dinner tonight. to keep on fortfahren to keep on = to go on, to carry on affordable !E*fC"dEbl? bezahlbar, erschwinglich For many people living in Manhatten isn’t affordable . Tolerance and respect ingredient !*InGri"diEnt? Zutat Something is missing in this cake; what ingredient did I forget? to take sth. seriously etw. ernst nehmen You never take anything seriously . 1 respectful respektvoll respectful  respect  to respect 2 Would you mind? Macht es Ihnen/dir etw. aus? Would you mind taking a taxi? 4 to judge people by Menschen nach … beurteilen Don’t always judge people by their looks! skin colour Hautfarbe Never judge people by their skin colour . moral convictions moralische Überzeugen moral  morality  immoral in the face of angesichts von Helping others in the face of getting into difficulties can also be a good thing. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv