Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

181 V Vocabulary Modal verbs substitute form Ersatzform 1 disoriented !dI*sC"riEntId? verwirrt After his operation he seemed disoriented . to rise to one’s feet aufstehen He put down his glass and rose to his feet . nightmare Albtraum I still have nightmares about the accident. to shudder zittern, schaudern She shuddered as she stepped down into the cellar. to paralyse lähmen He was paralysed for a moment, then he ran away. 2 youth hostel !ju"T *hOstl? Jugendherberge youth hostels offer cheap accommodation for young people. dress code Bekleidungsvorschrift The dress code in this restaurant is very strict. sports facility Sportanlage, -einrichtung The sports facilities of this town must be improved. Check-out 1 talk show host !tC"k SEU hEUst? Talkmaster/in, Moderator/in Would you like to be the host of a talk show ? routine (= adj.) Routine- These are just routine enquiries. Don’t worry. 2 to faint in Ohnmacht fallen Several girls fainted during the pop concert. 3 art dealer Kunsthändler/in He is a very successful art dealer . art gallery Galerie Why don’t you come to the art gallery with me? There’s an interesting exhibition. to come into contact with in Kontakt mit … kommen In London he came into contact with other writers. crow !krEU? Krähe Crows are large black birds with powerful beaks. to auction !*C"kSn? versteigern This painting will be auctioned for charity tomorrow. insane asylum !In*seIn E*saIlEm? Nervenheilanstalt Insane asylums are for people who are mentally ill. Unit 7: Human rights oppression Unterdrückung Worldwide, many people suffer from oppression . to lay down (hier:) festsetzen The Austrian State Treaty was laid down in 1955. equality of the sexes Gleichbehandlung der Geschlechter In many parts of the world equality of the sexes is still a dream for women. equal opportunity !*i"kwEl +OpEtju"nEti? Chancengleichheit Before the US had equal opportunity laws, it was difficult for women and non-whites to get equal jobs. applicant Bewerber/in In a letter of application, the applicant applies for a job. CV (curriculum vitae) Lebenslauf A CV describes your education and what jobs and activities you have done in your life so far. authoritarian regime !+C"TOrIteEriEn reI*Zi"m? autoritäres Regime Under an authoritarian regime , people are not free to do/say/be what they want. 1 torture !*tC"tSE? Folter Organisations like AI are fighting against torture . child labour !tSaIld *leIbE? Kinderarbeit Child labour goes against the rights of children. dignity Würde Human dignity is the highest value in the world. slavery Sklaverei Slavery was widespread in the Roman Empire. to exert power Macht ausüben Inmany countries males are still the ones who exert power . to tolerate dulden, tolerieren In a free country society tolerates different opinions. to humiliate !hju"*mIlieIt? erniedrigen I don’t want to be humiliated by anyone. freedom of speech/religion Rede-/Religionsfreiheit Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are two of the basic rights in the US constitution. the right to an education das Recht auf (Aus-)Bildung In the 17 th century the right to an education was not the rule. tolerance Toleranz tolerance  to tolerate racial equality !*reISl I*kwOlEti? Rassengleichheit The Human Rights Movement in the US fought for racial equality . 2 non-governmental organisation (NGO) Nichtregierungsorganisation NGOs are always searching for volunteers. human rights issue Menschenrechtsfrage Many NGOs employ experts in human rights issues . subscriber (hier:) Spender/in NGOs need the funds they get from their subscribers . spirit of brotherhood Geist der Brüderlichkeit The UN declared that all humans should live in the spirit of brotherhood . Dignity for all? 1 to violate verletzen Human rights should not be violated . to spy on sb./sth. jmdm./etw. nachspionieren I’m sure my boyfriend is spying on me – he’s so jealous! slave Sklave/Sklavin Slaves have no control over their own lives. They must do what their owners tell them. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv