Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

180 Vocabulary V Text: Deportation at breakfast 1 deportation Abschiebung, Deportation The way deportations are handled in this country is not humane at all. 2 narrator Erzähler/in hand-lettered (AE) handgeschrieben The sign outside the restaurant was hand-lettered . bold (hier:) fett, gut lesbar On a PC, letters can be typed in bold or in italics . awning !*C"niN? Vordach, Plane, Beschattung There were large windows underneath the awning . homey gemütlich, heimelig The air inside the restaurant smelled fresh and homey . greasy !*Gri"si? fettig Yuk! That hamburger is really greasy ! chalkboard Wandtafel (US) The menu was written on the chalkboard . counter Tresen I sat at the counter because there were no free tables. moustache !mE*stA"S? Schnurrbart He has a thick and bushy moustache . chef’s whites Kochgewand He was dressed in chef’s white . apron !*eIprEn? Schürze An apron covers the front of your body. to stitch on aufsticken His name was stitched on his apron. to sip at nippen an I sipped at the coffee while reading the newspaper. beaten eggs verquirlte Eier You need beaten eggs to make an omelette. to force sb.’s hands behind his/ her back jmdn. zwingen, die Hände hinter den Rücken zu geben The police were forcing his hands behind his back . 3 to bubble blubbern The soup on the stove was bubbling . to lean over sich hinüberbeugen I leaned over the counter but could not see anyone. hesitation Zögern Without hesitation I entered the room. stool Hocker I got up from my stool and looked around. to pop up herausspringen My toast had popped up from the toaster. to ring up an order eine Bestellung in die Kassa eintippen The waiter rang up our order so that we could pay. party (hier:) Gruppe von Gästen We’ll need a big table. We are a party of ten. decaffeinated !dI*kxfIneItId? koffeinfrei Decaffeinated coffee contains hardly any caffeine. to pour someone’s coffee jmdm. Kaffee einschenken Can I pour your coffee ? scrambled eggs Eierspeise Scrambled eggs are too greasy for me. to run a place/business ein Geschäft führen I’ve been running my father’s business for two years now and I’m doing really well. 4 puzzling !*p0zlIN? überraschend The novel’s ending was quite puzzling . confusing verwirrend Actually, it was also confusing . I didn’t really get it. amusing unterhaltsam Watching baby animals can be really amusing . to grasp begreifen, verstehen I could not fully grasp the meaning of it all. 7 in doubt !In daUt? im Zweifel If you are in doubt , let it be. to stroll schlendern I was strolling along the street when the accident happened. to crawl !krC"l? kriechen to crawl = to move slowly on your hands and knees burglar Einbrecher/in I’m afraid of burglars , so please lock the door twice. to peer spähen We peered into the back of the shop to see if anybody was around. grimy !*GraImi? schmutzig My hands are grimy because I have been working in the garden for too long. Really strange – strangely real? 1 in search of auf der Suche nach He is in search of a new job. brochure !*brEUSE? Broschüre We looked through the holiday brochure . to stumble upon sth. über etw. stolpern If you stumble upon something you discover it by chance. to claim that behaupten, dass They claim that their product makes you slim. in harmony harmonisch There was a choir singing in perfect harmony . to quarrel streiten I wish you two would stop quarrelling ! Illusions 1 to portray darstellen, portraitieren Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and rough. to depict darstellen, beschreiben This book depicts life in revolutionary Russia. still life Stilleben Still lifes can show an arrangement of fruit or flowers. perception of reality Wahrnehmung der Wirklichkeit/ Realität Some works of art challenge the viewer’s perception of reality . to inspire inspirieren The sea inspired many of his paintings. infinity !In*fInEti? Unendlichkeit There is an infinity of possible solutions. on display ausgestellt Her work is on display at the gallery over there. 2 optical illusion !*OptIkl I*lu"Zn? optische Täuschung Optical illusions trick the viewer’s perception. to play tricks (on sb.) jmdn. in die Irre führen He played a nasty trick on her . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv