Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

179 V Vocabulary to brighten aufleuchten, heller werden Her eyes brightened when she saw him. nod of one’s head Kopfnicken He greeted us with a nod of his head . half an hour’s drive halbstündige Fahrt You’ll be there soon – it’s just half an hour’s drive . gingerly !*dZIndZEli? behutsam He gingerly felt his way along the dark tunnel. sore wund I have not had a sore throat for a long time. bare feet nackte Füße The sand on the beach felt good on their bare feet . backrest Rückenlehne The backrest of this chair isn’t very comfortable – my back hurts! lap Schoß Mary was sitting on her mother’s lap . posture !*pOstSE? Haltung Poor posture can lead to muscular problems. nun Nonne Some nuns work for the Red Cross. to rejoin zurückkehren (zu) We rejoined them at the table. to whip by rasch vorbeiziehen We drove so fast that the landscape just whipped by . floodplain Schwemmebene A floodplain consists of soil, sand and rock left by a river during floods. rocky felsig Would you like to see the Rocky Mountains? outcrop Erhebung, Vorsprung outcrop = large area of rock sticking out of the ground recognition !+rekEG*nISn? (Wieder-)Erkennen He stared at her without any sign of recognition . to fall quiet in Schweigen verfallen There wasn’t any more to say so we fell quiet . to churn !tS3"n? (sich) heftig drehen My stomach was churning before the exam. to shrug mit den Schultern zucken Tim just shrugged when I asked him what he thought. to sweep around etw. schnell umfahren The car quickly swept around the bend. sprawling sich ausbreitend, ausladend The fields were sprawling below us. mesa !*meIsE? Tafelberg A mesa is a hill with a flat top and steep sides. to come across auf etw. stoßen He came across an old diary in her desk. chunk großes Stück The company owns a chunk of farmland there. rock face Felswand They started climbing the rock face rather late. arrowhead Pfeilspitze This arrowhead is quite sharp – don’t hurt yourself! to point down hinunterzeigen, -weisen Is the sign pointing down or up? waterway Wasserstraße We do not know any inland waterways here. dotted gepunktet, gesprenkelt (fig.) The lake was dotted with sailboats. well-worn abgetragen, ausgetreten He reached for his well-worn jacket. gravelly (= adj.) !*GrxvEli? kiesbedeckt, steinig We went down the gravelly garden path. to hop out hinaushüpfen Jim hopped out of bed and quickly got dressed. to bow one’s head den Kopf senken She stood still, with her head bowed . I couldn’t help but smile. Ich konnte nicht umhin zu lächeln. I could not help but smile about his present. blackfella umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung für Aboriginals Blackfella is an informal term used in Australian English to refer to Aboriginal Australians. lost in thought in Gedanken versunken He’s always totally lost in thought . to shake hands die Hand schütteln They signed the contract and shook hands . in the direction of in die Richtung von He nodded his head in the direction of his car. wisps of smoke Rauchfähnchen Wisps of smoke rose into the air. barely noticeable !*beEli *nEUtIsEbl? kaum merklich The defender was barely noticeable during the match. breeze !bri"z? Brise A weak sea breeze is blowing today. uneasy ruhelos, unruhig I felt a little uneasy . cheeky frech, keck Don’t be so cheeky . to grin grinsen She was so happy, she was grinning from ear to ear. whitefella umgangssprachliche Bezeich- nung für Nicht-Aboriginals Whitefella is an informal term used in Australian English to refer to Caucasian people. 3 time sequence !taIm *si"kwEnts? zeitliche Abfolge time sequence = the chronological order of events to come to an end zu einem Ende kommen They say that all good things must come to an end . Writings texts: Story writing 1 hint !hInt? Hinweis, Tipp, Andeutung Can’t you give me just a little hint about my birthday present? Please?! 2 foreshadowing Andeutung, Vorahnung Foreshadowing is a literary technique to predict what might occur later on in the story. turning point Wendepunkt At the turning point a total change occurs in a story. climax !*klaImxks? Höhepunkt The climax is the most exciting point in a story. 3 moreover außerdem moreover = in addition, furthermore 4 peer editing Kontrolle durch Gleichaltrige Peer editing in the classroom can be very motivating. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv