Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

178 Vocabulary V composer Komponist/in Mozart was a famous Austrian composer . 4 monument Denkmal, Monument This monument commemorates President Lincoln. term of office Amtsperiode George Washington’s first term of office started in 1789. controversial !+kOntrEv3"Sl? widersprüchlich They discussed this controversial issue, but they could not agree. 5 reference tool Nachschlagewerk Reference tools can be books or digital media. political agenda !pE*lItIkl E*dZendE? politische Tagesordnung Her party put the issue of single mothers on the political agenda . encyclopaedia !In+saIklE*pi"diE? Enzyklopädie Wikipedia is an online encyclopaedia . Check-out to compile information !kEm*paIl +InfE*meISn? Informationen sammeln Before we can negotiate we need to compile all the necessary information . a political issue eine politische Frage Children’s rights are a political issue . 1 opening statement Eröffnungsstatement In the opening statement the speaker didn’t mention her name. a waste of time eine Zeitverschwendung Playing computer games is a waste of time , isn’t it? to bring about change eine Veränderung herbeiführen New people in power may bring about change . 3 the votes cast die abgegebenen Stimmen All the votes cast are counted immediately. turnout (Wahl-)Beteiligung The voter turnout in 2010 was higher than in 2005. registered to vote ein registrierter Wähler/eine registrierte Wählerin sein Before you can take part in elections you have to be registered to vote . to stay away (from) fernbleiben (von) Many registered voters stayed away . majority system Mehrheitssystem The UK has a majority system . straightforward !+streIt*fC"wEd? unkompliziert, direkt, einfach That was a straightforward question. 4 in favour of zugunsten von The referee decided in favour of the winning team. to astonish überraschen When he saw the police first he was astonished . to back sb./sth. jmdn./etw. unterstützen Two MPs backed her motion. separation Trennung There is clear separation between the two ethnic groups. with respect to in Bezug auf With respect to education the standards are very poor. breakaway Abspaltung The breakaway republic declared her independence. Unit 6: Strange realities an actual person eine tatsächliche Person This film character is based on an actual person . merely !*mIEli? bloß Merely 30 people watched last night’s movie in the cinema. comprehensive umfassend That’s not a comprehensive list, but it’s a start! 1 peculiar eigentümlich, sonderbar He is a peculiar person. uncommon ungewöhnlich What’s the most uncommon name you know? bizarre !bI*zA"? seltsam, bizarr What a bizarre situation! exceptional außergewöhnlich She is exceptional in many ways. surreal !sE*ri"El? unwirklich, surreal This painting is absolutely surreal . perception Wahrnehmung My perception of reality differs from yours. fantasy Fantasie Create your own fantasy football team on the internet and win the league. fictitious !fIk*tISEs? erfunden, fiktiv This story is fictitious , it is not true. illusion Illusion illusion = a distortion of the senses vision Vision My ideal vision of myself is: … . in the eye of the beholder im Auge des Betrachters/der Betrachterin Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . 2 salesman Verkäufer A salesman is employed to sell merchandise. Text: Going home 1 to come to one’s mind einfallen What comes to your mind when you think of Spain? 2 spear grass !spIE GrA"s? (hier:) australische Grasart Spear grass has sharp leaves and grows on Australian mountains. to signal sb. to do sth. jmdm. ein Zeichen geben etw. zu tun She signalled a passing taxi to stop. to slump hängen, fallen, tiefer sinken He slumped into a chair. accelerator !Ek*selEreItE? Gaspedal He pressed the accelerator to gain speed. to wind (wound, wound) down !waInd (waUnd) daUn? (hier:) herunterkurbeln In older cars you wind down the windows by turning a handle. exhausted erschöpft I was totally exhausted by the long journey. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv