Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

177 V Vocabulary farm support programme Hilfsprogramm für Landwirte The government introduced a far-reaching farm support programme. to convene !kEn*vi"n? einberufen The Prime Minister convened a secret meeting. to adjourn !E*dZ3"n? vertagen Before the summer parliament was adjourned . to reconvene sth. wieder einberufen After the holiday it was reconvened again. regional parliament Regionalparlament The Welsh National Assembly is a regional parliament . to split from sich trennen von Some Scots wanted to split from the UK. Comparison and contrast 1 densely populated dicht besiedelt Only the southernmost part of Canada is densely populated . 2 whereas !hweE*rxz? während (drückt Gegensatz aus) The UK did really well in the crisis, whereas the rest of Europe suffered. to nominate aufstellen, nominieren He was nominated by his party. hereditary peer !hI*redItEri pIE? erblicher Hochadelstitel He is a hereditary peer . He can pass on his title to his son. to delay verzögern The House of Lords can only delay legislation. to preside over den Vorsitz führen The Speaker presides over the House of Lords. session Sitzung The first session ended after only one day. long-standing langjährig It is a long-standing tradition. the parliamentary system das parlamentarische System The British parliamentary system is based on many traditions. to live up to sth. etw. bestehen They did not live up to our expectations. it remains to be seen if man wird sehen, ob It remains to be seen if he can win the second round. on the one hand – on the other hand auf der einen Seite – auf der anderen Seite On the one hand he loves tennis, but on the other hand he hates training for it. in contrast to im Gegensatz zu In contrast to his sister he was a bad pianist. contrary to entgegen, im Gegensatz zu Contrary to his expectations he liked the show. Surveys 1 statistics (pl.) Statistik The statistics show that … . bar graph Balkendiagramm The bar graph shows the results of the elections. 2 political survey !pE*lItIkl *s3"veI? politische Umfrage/Studie With a political survey you can find out about people’s opinions. Writing skills: Pro and con texts 2 to make sense einen Sinn ergeben Leaving now does not make sense . to misuse !+mIs*ju"z? missbrauchen Computers can be misused to cheat. 3 this is why deshalb This is why I think you should not do it. The United States of America 1 to be furious at wütend sein auf The people were furious at the government. customs official Zollbeamter/-beamtin A customs official wanted to see their bags. military support militärische Unterstützung The US gave their military support but it did not help. as late as nicht vor He came home as late as five o’clock. Declaration of Independence Unabhängigkeitserklärung The Declaration of Independence was signed by the delegates of the 13 British colonies. 2 constitution Verfassung A constitution creates the legal framework of a state. delegate Abgeordnete/r, Delegierte/r The delegates arrived the day before the meeting. civil liberty bürgerliche Freiheitsrechte Civil liberties were granted in the US Constitution. assembly Versammlung A regional assembly elected the first spokesperson. petition !pE*tISn? Petition, Bittgesuch The demonstrators handed in a petition to grant equal rights to everyone. libel üble Nachrede Because of an unconfirmed report the newspaper was sued for libel . worship Verehrung Prayer is a form of worship . consent !kEn*sent? Zustimmung Without his consent we can’t go ahead with our plan. 3 branch of government Regierungsbereich (vgl. Gewaltentrennung) There are three branches of government in the US: the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court. system of checks and balances Kontrollsystem, bei dem die drei Gewaltbereiche einander kontrollieren und ausgleichen. The system of checks and balances makes sure that no branch of government can dominate. public office öffentliches Amt As a US President he held a public office for six years. in accordance with im Einklang mit The Supreme Court decided in accordance with the constitution. Supreme Court oberster Gerichtshof The Supreme Court decided against the new law. Nur zu Prüfzweck – Eigentum des Verlags öbv