Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

176 Vocabulary V ballot box Wahlurne The ballot box was sealed before election day. residence Residenz The White House is the residence of the president of the US. to outline the plans Pläne umreißen The Queen outlined her plans for the New Year. Stars and Stripes Flagge der USA The national flag of the US is called Stars and Stripes . to rebel against !rI*bel E*Gentst? rebellieren gegen The 13 colonies rebelled against the British monarchy. to deliver a speech eine Rede halten Every year the Queen delivers a speech from the throne. throne Thron Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558. The United Kingdom 1 monarchy Monarchie The UK is a monarchy . The Queen is the head of state. republic Republik The US is a republic . The head of state is the US President. confederation of states Staatenkonföderation A confederation of states is a loose organisation of separate states. voting age Wahlalter The voting age in Austria now is 16. 2 unsuccessful in war nicht erfolgreich im Krieg The barons were so powerful because the king was unsuccessful in war . baron Baron In 1215 the barons fought for their rights. to refuse !rI*fju"z? ablehnen Don’t refuse my help – I know you’ll need it. treaty !*tri"ti? Vertrag The new treaty was signed by the Queen and the French President. to become known as bekannt werden als This became known as the Glorious Revolution. to rule regieren The Habsburgs ruled Austria for many centuries. glorious glorreich, herrlich What a glorious idea to buy a bunch of flowers for her. tax Steuer The government is allowed to raise taxes . peasant !*peznt? Bauer A peasant is a poor farmer of low status. 3 Law Lords Rechtsexperten im britischen Oberhaus (= House of Lords) The Law Lords suggested not to go ahead with this legal matter. top job leitende Position Only few women get top jobs in business. 4 Member of Parliament (MP) Abgeordnete/r As an MP she became famous for her unusual ideas. voting system Wahlsystem The British voting system is not really fair. to take place stattfinden Elections have to take place every four years. “first-past-the-post” system Mehrheitswahlrecht The “first-past-the-post” system (= majority voting system) does not always lead to clear majorities. to raise a problem ein Problem erörtern The headmaster tried to raise the problem , but nobody listened to him. the downside of Nachteil The downside of this system is that many votes do not count at all. table Tabelle This table gives you an overview of the data available at the moment. polling station Wahllokal A polling station was set up in a local school. 5 timeline Zeitleiste The teacher drew a timeline on the board. National Assembly Nationalversammlung The Welsh National Assembly first met in 1998. coinage !*kCInIdZ? Münzprägung Coinage is the process of producing coins. strict limits on strenge Beschränkungen auf In many countries there are strict limits on alcohol. trade with Handel mit After the attack trade with India stopped. the New World die Neue Welt Many Irish people went to the NewWorld in the 19 th century. to cripple lähmen, lahm legen These measures crippled their economy. to force people off their land Menschen von ihrem Land vertreiben People were forced off their land. to make way for Platz machen für This made way for building large farms. large-scale in großem Maßstab He was convicted for large-scale drug dealing. referendum !+refE*rendEm? Volksabstimmung The government rejected a referendum on this matter. to reject ablehnen Her plan was rejected by almost everyone. unpopular unbeliebt These tax plans were extremely unpopular . poll tax Kopfsteuer Many people think the poll tax is unfair. tax-varying powers !txks - *veEriIN paUEz? die Möglichkeit, Steuersätze zu verändern The Scottish Parliament has tax-varying powers , so they can change income tax by up to 3%. control over Kontrolle über I don’t have any control over her decisions, sorry. health service Gesundheitswesen The regional government has full control over the health service . environmental affairs Umweltangelegenheiten She is also responsible for environmental affairs . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv