Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

175 V Vocabulary job experience Berufserfahrung It’s good to get some job experience before you actually have to start earning money. low pay geringes Einkommen Many part-time jobs only offer very low pay . to stay calm ruhig bleiben In case of an emergency it’s important to stay calm . costume design Kostümbild I don’t like the costume design of that film at all. commercial !kE*m3"Sl? Werbespot It’s hard to believe that such a short commercial is so expensive. accountant Buchhalter/in I like numbers, so I’m thinking about becoming an accountant . 3 recording studio Aufnahmestudio When working on a new album professional singer Donna del Barrio never leaves the recording studio . placement Praktikum A placement is a position you have for a short time with a firm to learn about the work there. to be stuck in traffic im Stau stehen I was stuck in traffic , so I was late for work. to be late for work zu spät zur Arbeit kommen I was late for work , so I missed the meeting. nasty schlimm, böse, gemein It was a nasty shock when my wallet was stolen. to get into trouble in Schwierigkeiten geraten I didn’t have a good day at work yesterday. I got into trouble with my boss. Sorry, you’re wrong! 1 commercial break Werbepause I think commercial breaks are really annoying. advert/advertisement !*xdv3"t/Ed*v3"tIsmEnt? Anzeige, Werbespot We’ll have to put up with adverts/advertisements if we want to watch Free TV. value !*vxlju"? Wert The exact value of this ring is unknown. to have little/much effect on how kleine/große Wirkung darauf haben wie Bad weather has little effect on how I feel. to be convinced that überzeugt sein, dass I am convinced that my sister has read my diary. to get oneself a drink sich ein Getränk holen/nehmen Why don’t you get yourself a drink ? They’re for free. to swear (swore, sworn) (hier:) fluchen It’s not very polite to swear at people. 3 to distinguish between unterscheiden zwischen It’s hard to distinguish between Russian and Ukrainian. to divide into unterteilen in We should divide ourselves into smaller groups. to contradict widersprechen Sorry to contradict , but I don’t think so. viewpoint Standpunkt From my viewpoint I would say that he’s right. appropriate angemessen Do you really think it’s appropriate to wear shorts to a nice restaurant like that? in a position to judge in einer Position, um zu beurteilen Don’t say that. You’re not in a position to judge me. Simple and progressive form 1 newsagent Zeitungskiosk Many newsagents not only sell newspapers and magazines but also snacks and drinks. dynamic dynamisch dynamic  stative stative statisch 2 to become addicted to süchtig werden I think I have become addicted to chocolate. to distract ablenken Please don’t whistle. It’s really distracting me. instead of (an)statt We’re going on holiday in the winter instead of the summer. 3 imaginative !I*mxdZInEtIv? einfallsreich, erfinderisch Try to come up with an imaginative ending for the story. synopsis !sI*nOpsIs? Synopse, Zusammenfassung Before you go and see that opera you should read the synopsis to get a clue of the story. Check-out 1 of personal interest von persönlichem Interesse I can easily understand topics of personal interest . 3 emergency services Einsatzkräfte Emergency services can be called 24 hours a day. paramedic Sanitäter/in I’m interested in medicine so maybe I should become a professional paramedic . 4 to take part in teilnehmen You should take part in that course, it’s really helpful. Unit 5: Politics 1 general elections !*dZenErEl I*lekSnz? allgemeine Wahlen General elections are held every four years. representative !+reprI*zentEtIv? Repräsentant/in An MP is a representative of a constituency. inauguration !I+nC"GjEreISn? Angelobung The inauguration of the US president always takes place in January. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv