Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

174 Vocabulary V dramatic open ending dramatisches, offenes Ende I hate dramatic open endings ; I always have to know how things turn out. radio serials Radioserie Radio serials used to be popular before TV took over. manufacturer !+mxnjE*fxktSErE? Erzeuger/in A soap manufacturer produces soap. genre !*ZR"nrE? Genre There are lots of different genres on TV. to put on trial (hier:) testen, überprüfen The candidates are put on trial to find out who’s the best. to take care of sorgen für I like taking care of animals. Maybe I should become a vet. never-ending unendlich, endlos Me and my boyfriend, that’s a never-ending story. to edit bearbeiten I spent ages editing our last family holiday film. to lead a life ein Leben führen My parents lead quite a happy life . stranded gestrandet Survivors of a shipping accident are lucky if they end up stranded on an island. out of context außerhalb des Zusammenhangs When you read something out of context it can have a totally different meaning. to be tricked into ausgetrickst werden I was tricked into buying those stolen CDs. observer !Eb*z3"vE? Beobachter/in, Zuschauer/in When I see a bully hurting someone, I don’t just want to be a silent observer , but at the same time I’m afraid that I could get hurt. participant Teilnehmer/in The participants all agreed that the seminar had been very helpful. to make sb. look foolish jmdn. dumm aussehen lassen I don’t like it when people are made look foolish in talk shows. 4 irresponsible unverantwortlich It’s quite irresponsible to drink and drive. well-being Wohlbefinden A healthy diet is important for one’s well-being . to put at risk einem Risiko aussetzen Too much junk food puts your health at risk . scientific study wissenschaftliche Studie Scientific studies show that smoking is very dangerous. to leave sth./sb. with sb. jmdn./etw. bei … lassen You can leave your dog with me for a few hours, I don’t mind. shame on Schande über Sorry, I totally forgot your birthday – shame on me! rating Einschaltquote Yesterday’s ratings were a disaster! If we continue to lose viewers we’ll be taken off air! one’s own opinion on seine eigene Meinung zu I’m not quite sure about my own opinion on the subject. I need to think about it some more. A movie review 2 cast Rollenbesetzung, Ensemble She’s a cast member of Phantom of the Opera . running time Länge They reduced the film’s running time to 135 minutes. polar bear Eisbär Polar bears have black skin to absorb a lot of sunlight. poacher !pEUtSE? Wilderer Poachers hunt animals they are not allowed to hunt. the story is set in die Geschichte spielt in The story is set in the Middle Ages. air transport service Flugdienst My cousin’s a pilot for our local air transport service . far from home weit weg von zu Hause Being so far from home I was glad I had my mobile. heartless herzlos It would be heartless to separate the cat from its kittens. storyline Handlung The film had a great storyline , but the acting was bad. predictable !prI*dIktEbl? vorhersagbar His reaction was highly predictable . screenplay Drehbuch The screenplay was written by Stephen King himself. breathtaking atemberaubend It was breathtaking to see the sun come up over the horizon. Improving texts with participle constructions 1 careers teacher/career adviser Berufsberater/in If you’re not sure which career to pursue you should see your career adviser . leaflet Informationsblatt, Prospekt What does it say in the leaflet about jobs in fashion? makeup artist Maskenbildner/in Makeup artists work for film productions or TV. styling Styling Actors always have to take care of their styling . sound designer Sounddesigner/in foley artist !*fEUli *A"tIst? Geräuschemacher/in Foley artists produce noises in the studio for film or TV productions. sound engineering Everyone can sound like a star if sound engineering does the trick. to stand a chance eine Chance haben I don’t think I would stand a chance if I had to survive in the wilderness. 2 a written report about ein schriftlicher Bericht über I would like a written report about what happened here yesterday. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv