Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

173 V Vocabulary frustrated frustriert frustrated = not happy cue cards !kju" kA"dz? Moderationskarte News presenters read their texts from cue cards . viewer (Fernseh-)Zuseher/in viewer  view  to view to be on auf Sendung sein “Three, two, one – you ’re on !” to work out sth. (hier:) etw. verstehen, hinter etw. kommen to work out = to find out at times ab und zu, hin und wieder, zeitweise At times I’m not sure if leaving school was the right decision. performer Darsteller/in, Künstler/in performer  to perform no way keine Möglichkeit, kein Weg If he really wants to go there is no way we can stop him. to feel comfortable !fi"l *k0mpftEbl? sich wohl fühlen I don’t feel comfortable driving this new car yet. to prove sb. wrong !pru"v sb. rON? beweisen, dass jmd. unrecht hat You think I can’t dance? Well, let’s go out and I’ll prove you wrong . to sound familiar vertraut klingen Your name sounds familiar . Have we met before? Reading skills: Scanning and skimming 1 to skim überfliegen to get the gist das Wesentliche erfassen Skimming a text to get the gist is an important skill. teenage pregnancy rate Rate an Teenagerschwan- gerschaften The UK has a very high teenage pregnancy rate . first-hand experience Erfahrung aus erster Hand It’s important to get some first-hand experience before you actually start working there. to put sb. in charge of jmdm. die Verantwortung übertragen I’ve been put in charge of organising our next meeting. parenthood Elternschaft Parenthood has ensured that their marriage is stronger than ever. beneficial !+benI*fISl? förderlich, nützlich Caring for your sister’s dog could be beneficial for you. for teenagers and viewers alike für die Teenager genauso wie für die Zuseher/innen This programme is really educational, for teenagers and viewers alike . teen couples Teenagerpaare located in liegen, sich befinden The hotel is located in a very nice neighbourhood. joy Freude Tonight, professional runner Kirk Bianco talks about the joy of marathon running. belly Bauch I’ll take a course in belly dancing. pre-birth classes Geburtsvorbereitungskurs Pre-birth classes are an important preparation for young parents. to cope with umgehen mit Coping with a new situation can be difficult. to change (a baby) (einem Baby) die Windeln wechseln It’s your turn to change Matthew today. to care for sorgen für My big sister helped to care for me when I was a baby. toddler Kleinkind I have to look after my younger brother. He’s a toddler . spectrum of Spektrum von You’ve seen the whole spectrum of what we have to offer. ambiguous !xm*bIGjuEs? doppeldeutig, ungewiss Her reaction was ambiguous . I wasn’t quite sure what to think of it. 2 to scan durchsuchen The customs officer scanned their luggage for drugs. 4 pros and cons Für und Wider Before buying a dog you should think of the pros and cons of having a pet. Docusoaps 1 cop/detective series Krimiserie When I watch a detective series I always know who’s the murderer. courtroom/legal show Gerichtsserie Courtroom shows are ridiculous. They have the worst actors ever. documentary Dokumentarfilm My younger sister likes documentaries about animals. game/music/mystery show Spielshow, Musikshow, Mystery Show I’m sure I’d win the jackpot in the popular Friday evening game show . fiction/fantasy movie Fantasiefilm Fantasy movies are boring, except Lord of the Rings . sitcom Situationscomedy My favourite sitcom is Friends . soap opera Seifenoper Soap operas always have a “cliffhanger” at the end – you must turn on the next episode and find out how the story continues. thriller Thriller I hate thrillers – they give me nightmares. 2 romance Romanze I love watching romances – they’re so moving, and they always make me cry. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv