Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

172 Vocabulary V dingo !*dINGEU? Dingo (austral. Wildhund) Dingoes look like pet dogs, but they are wild animals. laughing kookaburra !lA"fIN *kUkE+b0rE? Kookaburra (austral. Vogelart) The laughing kookaburra is a bird found throughout eastern Australia. red-back spider Rotrückenspinne The red-back spider’s bite is very dangerous. Wordwise 3 prefix Vorsilbe A prefix is added before the first syllable of a word. to disown !dI*sEUn? jmdn. verstoßen Lord Capulet threatened to disown his daughter Juliet. outcry Aufschrei When the company was closed there was a public outcry . 4 supporting actress Nebendarstellerin As the best supporting actress she got the Oscar. Check-out 4 waitress Kellnerin Could you please call the waitress ? I’d like a cola. mobile Handy You shouldn’t use your mobile in class. Unit 4: Media-mad to abandon aufgeben Teens are not abandoning TV, they watch more TV than ever. media trends Medientrends competitor !kEm*petItE? Mitbewerber/in With so many competitors it’s hard to survive in the market. to glue on kleben an Your eyes have been glued on that screen for hours. Why don’t you take a break? 1 marketing research !*mA"kItIN rI*s3"tS? Marketingstudie According to marketing research , young people haven’t stopped reading books. media consumption Medienkonsum I want you to answer the following questions about your media consumption . 2 to spend more/less time mehr/weniger Zeit aufbringen I spend more time reading than for watching TV. text message SMS You shouldn’t send text messages during lessons. in person persönlich I’m going to come over in person to make sure you get that package. on the phone am Telefon You’ve been on the phone for ages – isn’t your card used up yet? couch potato Stubenhocker You’re a real couch potato ! You should go outside and get some exercise! cyberspace !*saIbEspeIs? virtueller Raum Many teens spend a lot of time playing online games in cyberspace . episode Episode Did you see the last episode of Friends ? virtual reality virtuelle Realität Computer games create a virtual reality . weblog Internettagebuch Writing weblogs is out, participating in online communities is in! quotation !kwEU*teISn? Zitat Can you think of a quotation for dad’s birthday card? portable video player tragbares Videogerät My dad’s got a portable video player in his car. viewing habits Sehgewohnheiten People’s viewing habits have changed over the years. word web Wörternetz Word webs are very useful for learning new words. Text: The Truman Show 1 fake falsch, gefälscht My T-shirt looks like an expensive designer shirt, but it’s actually a fake . reality show Realityshow I like reality shows much more than fiction movies. flashback Rückblende, Flashback “What’s wrong?” – “Oh, I just had a flashback about something really awful that happened once.” fountain Springbrunnen “Is it raining?” – “No, that’s just the fountain outside.” to stop sb. doing sth. jmdn. davon abhalten, etw. zu tun You can’t stop me doing what I want, so don’t even try. to point to auf etw. zeigen Could you point to that street on the map? I can’t find it. horizon !hE*raIzn? Horizont There’s a new star on the horizon . but (hier:) außer Everybody but John will go to the concert. to disguise !dIs*GaIz? verbergen, verkleiden I didn’t recognise Tim. He was disguised as a ladybird. to roar (auf)heulen, dröhnen, brüllen The lions have been roaring all night. to slam shut zuschlagen, zuknallen I think he was angry; he slammed the door shut when he left. 3 on screen auf dem Bildschirm Don’t believe everything you see on screen . award-winning ausgezeichnet Teletubbies is an award-winning series for children. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv