Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

171 V Vocabulary rage Wut, Zorn When he started screaming you could see the rage in his face. to get lumped in with in einen Topf geworfen werden I know lots of different kinds of people, but I don’t want to get lumped in with just one group. semicircle !*semI+s3"kl? Halbkreis semicircle = half a circle on one’s own terms zu den eigenen Bedingungen OK, I’ll do the job, but only on my own terms . That means you’ll have to pay me more. to be in tears weinen to be in tears = to cry to colonise kolonisieren to colonise  colony frustration Frust, Enttäuschung, Frustration My biggest frustration right now is not having enough time for homework and friends. to bottle up etw. unterdrücken Don’t keep everything bottled up inside you; let it out. to step out of line aus der Reihe tanzen His parents are super strict, there’s no stepping out of line in their home! to storm away davonstürmen Every time he gets mad he won’t talk about it; he just storms away . to part sich/etw. teilen The crowd parted to let her through. 3 salesperson Verkäufer/in The salesperson was very helpful. 4 to move on (hier:) weitergehen After the accident the police asked them to move on . 5 to run into jmdn. zufällig treffen You’ll never guess whom I ran into at the mall. 6 to swap sth. with etw. austauschen Let’s swap our texts – I’ll read yours, you’ll read mine. 7 heritage !*herItIdZ? Erbe The Great Barrier Reef is a World Heritage Site. Listening skills: Taking notes to take down (hier:) aufschreiben Don’t forget to take down the main ideas. gist !dZIst? das Wesentliche Don’t listen for details, listen for gist . shorthand Kurzschrift, Stenografie b/c (= because) is an example for shorthand . to lose track !lu"z trxk? den Faden verlieren Don’t worry if you lose track – just restart with the next passage you understand. 1 (park) ranger Aufseher/in, Ranger/in Rangers look after national parks. Text: First time in “Oz” penal colony !*pi"nl *kOlEni? Strafkolonie White Australia began as a penal colony . shipload Schiffsladung Did you read the article about the shipload of Africans trying to cross the sea to Europe? convict !*kOnvIkt? Sträfling A convict is somebody who has been sent to prison. ancestor !*xnsestE? Ahne/Ahnin, Vorfahre/Vorfahrin Most of my ancestors come from Scotland. immigrant Einwanderer/Einwanderin An immigrant is someone who has left his/her own country to live in another one. coat of arms Wappen Austria has a black eagle in its coat of arms . preconception vorgefasste Meinung Not all preconceptions turn out to be true. to stand in one’s way im Weg stehen Please don’t stand in my way , I’m in a real hurry! green ant grüne Ameise We had green ants all over the house. witchetty grub !*wItSEti Gr0b? Witchetty-Made I’m not sure I could eat witchetty grubs ; they look so awful! emu !*i"mju"? Emu An emu is a bird but it can’t fly. 3 barbie (= barbecue) (coll.) Grillparty We had a great barbie at the weekend. mate (Aus., BE) !meIt? Kumpel My brother Simon was there with his mates . 4 outfit Kleidung, Outfit Are you sure that’s the right outfit ? We’re going hiking, not to a party. Text: G’day from down under head of state Staatsoberhaupt The Queen is the head of state of Australia. rainforest Regenwald The world’s rainforests are important for our climate. unique !ju"ni"k? einzigartig When something is unique there is nothing else like it. relocation Umsiedlung Relocation means that people are moved from one place to another. ozone layer !*EUzEUn +leIE? Ozonschicht Holes in the ozone layer are very dangerous. 1 pouch !paUtS? Beutel She took a great photo of a baby kangaroo in its mother’s pouch . marsupial !mA"*su"piEl? Beuteltier Kangaroos and koalas are probably the best known marsupials . 2 to die out aussterben Many animals have died out over the last few years. contagious !kEn*teIdZEs? ansteckend Cancer is usually not contagious , but the Tasmanian devil’s form of cancer is. 3 platypus !*plxtIpEs? Schnabeltier The platypus is an odd-looking animal which is unique to Australia. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv