Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

170 Vocabulary V to fidget !*fIdZIt? (herum)zappeln People who are nervous often fidget . a train of events eine Reihe von Ereignissen She could not follow the train of events . to waggle wackeln, fuchteln Stop waggling your head! It’s making me nervous. to hold one’s breath !hEUld w0nz breT? den Atem/die Luft anhalten What’s the world record for holding one’s breath under water? to sneeze niesen Cat hairs make me sneeze – I’m allergic to them. to the point of bis zu dem Punkt He continued to the point of no return. to break the spell/the silence den Bann/die Stille brechen The audience was totally quiet. Then someone broke the spell/the silence by starting to applaud. to whirl around !hw3"l E*raUnd? sich abrupt umdrehen When someone called out her name behind her she whirled around to see who it was. gust of laughter !G0st Ev *la"ftE? Lachanfall The only thing we could hear were gusts of laughter . melodious melodiös, wohlklingend Her melodious voice calmed him down. in amazement erstaunt, verwundert She looked at him in amazement . out of control außer Kontrolle The situation quickly got out of control . infectious !In*fekSEs? ansteckend Their laughter was so infectious that we just had to laugh, too. instant sofortige/r/s My instant reaction to his question was to say no. appreciation !E+pri"Si*eISn? Verständnis, Wertschätzung, Anerkennung In every relationship it is important to show one’s appreciation . ludicrous !*lu"dIkrEs? lächerlich, absurd, grotesk The situation was so ludicrous that we just didn’t know whether we should laugh or cry. guilt Schuld, Schuldgefühl He had killed eight people but you couldn’t see any feelings of guilt in his face. in the twinkling of an eye im Nu/Handumdrehen He changed his expression in the twinkling of an eye . abridged !E*brIdZd? gekürzt An abridged text is one that has been made shorter. 3 overprotective überfürsorglich Overprotective parents hardly let their kids do anything on their own. 4 to make sure sich vergewissern, sichergehen Please make sure that you’ve locked the door when you leave. 5 point of view Einstellung, Standpunkt Your point of view is your way of seeing things. Text: Angela 1 politically active politisch engagiert Politically active people are interested in politics and want to change things. to treat badly/well/with respect schlecht/gut/mit Respekt behandeln Everybody wants to be treated with respect . rally !*rxli? (Massen-)Versammlung Only about 30 people came to the rally . busker !b0skE? Straßenkünstler/in Buskers entertained the passers-by with their songs. buzz !b0z? geschäftiges Treiben Some people like the buzz of big cities, but I don’t. slob Gammler/in You look like a slob in those dirty old jeans. thongs (Aus.) Flip-Flops I really enjoy wearing thongs in the summer. footy shorts (pl.; Aus.) Fußballshorts Those footy shorts are much too expensive! to strut !str0t? herumstolzieren She always struts around school like she’s a model. catwalk Laufsteg Models have to have a lot of confidence to be up on a catwalk with everyone’s eyes on them. negligence !*neGlIdZEnts? Nachlässigkeit, Fahrlässigkeit Drivers’ negligence is the reason for many bad traffic accidents each year. to be on edge nervös/gereizt sein You have been so on edge the past few days, what’s bothering you? information booth !+InfE*meISn bu"D? Informationsstand on time pünktlich Please be there on time – they won’t let us in after the concert’s begun. to slouch off davonzockeln I told her that I wanted to apologise, but she just shrugged and slouched off in the other direction. overalls (pl.) Overall Where are my overalls ? to hesitate zögern Don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions! swept-back zurückgekämmt I think your hair would look nicer if you wore it swept-back . stance !stxnts? Haltung Monarchs often have a very confident stance which comes from years of being in public. to look the part danach aussehen She could work as a model – she sure looks the part ! incredulously !In*kredjElEsli? ungläubig, fassungslos When I told her the bad news she looked at me incredulously . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv