Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

2 Talk about the questionnaire. a) Do you agree with what the questionnaire says about you? Say why or why not. b) Think of more descriptions for each colour. 3 How to: Talk about personal qualities Questionnaires are often used by personal advisers to help young people find out what kind of job or school career is best for them. a) Look at what a student tells her personal adviser. Then collect words and phrases to describe your own personal qualities. You can use the phrases of the questionnaire on page 16. USEFUL PHRASES • I think/I’d say I’m reliable/practical/creative/patient/… . • I’m (not so) good with children/at using words/… . • I find it easy/fun/… to meet people/learn new skills/… . • I (don’t) like deadlines/computers/challenges/… . • I prefer to work alone/with my hands/outside/… . TIP Ask your teacher or use a dictionary for any new words you need. Collect “personal vocabulary” in your folder. I like challenges and I’m good at solving problems. I can work alone, but I prefer to work in a team. I’d say I’m an ambitious person. b) Listening: Imagine a career adviser is trying to find out more about you. Listen to his questions on the CD and answer them. The useful phrases can help you. c) In groups, take turns to present yourselves. Tell the truth, but try to stress your good qualities. Listen critically to the others in your group and make helpful suggestions. 4 you are what you like. a) Choose things that you like, e.g. a person, a picture, a plant, an animal, a dish, a book, a TV series, a piece of music, etc. b) Prepare a short talk about yourself and the things you like. • First describe what you have chosen. • Then explain why you have chosen that person or item. 1.4 My favourite flower is the sunflower because it brightens up even a rainy day. I have chosen it because I am an optimistic person. 17 2 Identities – what next? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv