Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

169 V Vocabulary flight attendant Flugbegleiter/in The flight attendant was so nice, she brought me two extra pillows. unfortunate !0n*fC"tSEnEt? bedauerlich, unglücklich It was unfortunate that it rained during our entire holiday. Unit 3: Australia to honour !*OnE? ehren I felt so honoured when my whole family came along to my graduation to congratulate me. indigenous !In*dIdZInEs? einheimisch The Native Americans are the indigenous population of the US. to reflect on über etw. nachdenken Let’s reflect on the last year and our future plans. mistreatment Misshandlung The Australian prime minister apologised publicly for the mistreatment of the Aboriginal Australians. to turn a new page eine neue Seite aufschlagen Let’s try to forget about the past and turn a new page . to right the wrongs die Fehler wiedergutmachen The Australian government promised to right the wrongs of the past. successive aufeinanderfolgend The seminar will be held on three successive days. to inflict on zufügen I’ve inflicted great pain on you, and for that I’m truly sorry. profound !prE*faUnd? tiefgründig/-greifend He offered some profound insights in his lecture. grief !Gri"f? Trauer The unexpected death of their parents caused them a lot of grief . suffering Leiden There’s a lot of suffering in the world, but there’s also a lot of happiness. fellow Australians australische Landsleute removal Entfernen, Entfernung The people’s removal from their own land was a great injustice. 1 a term referring to ein Ausdruck, der sich auf … bezieht Female is a term referring to a girl/woman. experts say/have proved that Experten sagen/haben bewiesen, dass Experts say/have proved that turtles can get very old. Tasmanian devil Beutelteufel Tasmanian devils are small bear-like animals. to have in common gemeinsam haben My boyfriend and I have a lot of things in common . urban dweller !*3"bEn dwelE? Stadtbewohner/in More than 85% of Australians are urban dwellers . 2 sq. (square) Quadrat (Flächeneinheit) The area of Canada is 9.9 million sq. km. ethnic group ethnische Gruppe Seven per cent of Australia’s ethnic groups are Asian. Aboriginal !+xbE*rIdZnl? Ureinwohner/in Australiens Aboriginal  Aboriginal Australians Text: Walkabout 1 extract !*ekstrxkt? Auszug, Exzerpt An extract from a book or script is just a small part of the whole story. survivor !sE*vaIvE? Überlebende/r survivor  to survive outback Outback (australisches Hinterland) The outback is the wild, empty country away from Australia’s towns and cities. to be terrified (große) Angst haben to be terrified = to be really afraid. impulse !*Imp0ls? Impuls He felt a strange impulse to cry. to die away schwinden, nachlassen Her feelings for him died away . inquisitive !In*kwIzEtIv? neugierig, wissbegierig inquisitive = curious threatening bedrohlich That dog looks very threatening . I’m really afraid of it. motionless reg(ungs)los, bewegungslos When you don’t move at all, you’re motionless . pre-digested !+prI - daI*dZestId? vorverdaut digest  digestion to be devoted to jmdm./etw. (treu) ergeben sein, in etw. (völlig) aufgehen He doesn’t just like sport; he is totally devoted to it. to be dedicated to sth. etw. verschrieben sein; (nur) für etw. leben She is completely dedicated to her work. face to face with Auge in Auge; von Angesicht zu Angesicht Some people say the best way to deal with one’s fears is to come face to face with them. to slink (slunk, slunk) away davonschleichen We could not hear the lion slink away with the gazelle. nakedness !*neIkIdnEs? Nacktheit Different cultures have different attitudes towards nakedness . rock wallaby !rOk *wOlEbi? Wallaby (austral. Beuteltier) Rock wallabies are night animals. to intrigue sb. !In*tri"G sb.? jmdn. faszinieren When something intrigues you, it is very interesting to you. tribe Stamm The native tribes were very shy. to intensify verstärken, intensivieren When you intensify what you’re doing you put more effort into it. Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv