Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

168 Vocabulary V Text: Facebook – an introduction 1 social networking site Online-Netzwerk Social networking sites are very popular these days. on the dotted line auf der gepunkteten Linie Please write on the dotted line . overview Überblick This article gives you a really good overview . utility !ju"*tIlEti? Dienstprogramm Open source utilities can help you to work with computers. ongoing process fortlaufender Prozess Developing computer software is an ongoing process . primarily !praI*merEli? hauptsächlich This program is primarily used by students. search bar Suchleiste Just enter your question in the search bar , and if you’re lucky you’ll get an answer. established by eingeführt von Facebook was established by Mark Zuckerberg. roommate Mitbewohner/in I’m glad that I get along with my roommates so well. to grow (grew, grown) in stature !*stxtSE? zunehmende Bedeutung erlangen Over the last few years Google constantly grew in stature . to have access to Zugang haben zu I forgot my password, so now I don’t have access to my Facebook account. to overcome überwinden If you are afraid of heights it’s quite difficult to overcome that fear. entrenched fest verwurzelt When Facebook came along, MySpace was already entrenched . afresh !E*freS? von Neuem It looks like you’re stuck writing that essay – maybe you should start afresh . margin !*mA"dZIn? (hier:) Differenz He was ranked the most successful player, with a clear margin over his competitors. 2 to select auswählen Will you help me select a present for my mum? I can’t make up my mind. the most important aspect of der wichtigste Aspekt von To me, the most important aspect of a friendship is trust. privacy !*prIvEsi? Privatsphäre I want my little brother to stay out of my room – I need some privacy . potential !pEU*tentSl? Potential You really should go on to university – you have a lot of potential . to subscribe to abonnieren It’s really easy to subscribe to this website: just enter a user name and a password, and that’s it. 4 to turn up auftauchen If he doesn’t turn up in the next ten minutes I’ll leave. to delete löschen I’m afraid I have deleted that file – I can’t find it anywhere. congrats (coll.) Gratulation congrats = congratulations tonite (coll.) heute Abend tonite = tonight calendar Kalender It’s the middle of January – I really should buy a new calendar ! Present and past forms 2 signal word Signalwort Yesterday and last month are signal words for the past tense. typical of typisch für My dad forgot mum’s birthday again – that’s so typical of him! to reduce verringern, reduzieren There was a small hole in the sweatshirt, so they reduced the price for me. 3 to do research on !dE rI*s3"tS On? Forschung(en) betreiben, recherchieren I need to do research on this topic for my paper. 4 brackets Klammern Brackets can look like this ( ) or like this [ ]. letter to the editor Leserbrief His letter to the editor was not published. to lead to zu … führen The new road will lead to more traffic in the area. local action group örtliche Bürgerinitiative I’m thinking about joining the local action group against the new shopping centre. Check-out 1 in simple terms in einfachen Worten Your text is too difficult. Try to say it in simple terms . 2 superficial !+su"pE*fISl? oberflächlich I don’t like superficial people who are interested only in themselves. to stay in touch in Kontakt bleiben E-mail makes it so much easier to stay in touch . to boast angeben She’s boasting that she won the contest, but I don’t really believe her. abstract !*xbstrxkt? abstrakt Could you rewrite that? It’s a little too abstract for me. 4 easy-going gelassen, unbeschwert I found the people in California really easy-going and uncomplicated. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv