Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

167 V Vocabulary to be suited to !bI su"tId tu? geeignet sein für I wouldn’t be suited to be a doctor. I’m too sensitive. architect !*A"kItekt? Architekt/in Hans Hollein is a famous Austrian architect. methodical !mE*TOdIkl? methodisch My sister and I are totally different – I’m methodical , she’s chaotic. mind-driven hirngesteuert You are so mind-driven – it wouldn’t hurt to show some emotions from time to time, too. full of voll von Paul is full of plans for the summer. opportunity Gelegenheit, Chance I would have liked to become an actor but I never had the opportunity . ambitious !xm*bISEs? ehrgeizig I’m sure Rita will pass the test. She’s quite ambitious . 3 personal qualities persönliche Eigenschaften Your success will depend on your personal qualities . challenge Herausforderung This might be hard, but I like a challenge . deadline !*dedlaIn? Abgabetermin Journalists have to be able to meet a deadline . to take turns sich abwechseln It’s a long drive, but don’t worry, we’ll take turns . 4 to brighten up heller machen, aufheitern Thanks for your call – it brightened up my day! Talking about the future 1 prediction !prI*dIkSn? Vorhersage, Voraussage If you say that something will happen in the future, you make a prediction . 3 at work in/bei der Arbeit I have to be at work at nine, but sometimes I’m late. 4 in order to um … zu In order to get there on time we have to leave now! 5 to go abroad ins Ausland gehen I would really like to go abroad to improve my English. 6 to hold back zurückhalten When my friends and I go to the clubs there’s no holding back : We don’t stop dancing all night! to destroy zerstören Pollution gradually destroys the environments. to tear (tore, torn) apart !teE (tC", tC"n) E*pA"t? zerreißen, auseinander reißen The bear tore the tent apart . to set one’s sights on sich Ziele stecken I hear she has set her sights on becoming a journalist. real-life situation reale Situation It’s just a movie, not a real-life situation . Text: Now that’s what I call living! 1 weird !wIEd? eigenartig That was a weird movie we saw … I didn’t really understand it. 2 childhood Kindheit I was a happy child – I had a very happy childhood . to bum around herumziehen to bum around = to travel or move around without really knowing where you are going to builder Bauarbeiter/in builder  building  to build hippy Hippie Scores of hippies flocked into San Francisco. to go straight on geradeaus fahren/gehen Just go straight on – you can’t miss the Post Office. harbour !*hA"bE? Hafen I like to sit in a harbour and watch the ships come in. to rehearse !rI*h3"s? proben We’ve been rehearsing that song for an hour now – I think that’s enough. trailer (AE) Wohnwagen In the US lots of people live in big trailers . taxi-driving Taxi fahrend taxi-driving  taxi-driver part-time Teilzeit-, Halbtags- I only work part-time . cab (AE) Taxi All the cabs in New York are yellow. expectation Erwartung I don’t really care about other people’s expectations . wrestler !*reslE? Ringer He used to work as a professional wrestler . lion tamer Löwenbändiger Lion tamers know how to deal with wild animals. 4 to highlight markieren Please highlight all the adjectives in the text. poverty Armut poverty  poor on foot zu Fuß It was a long distance, but they came on foot . from time to time von Zeit zu Zeit From time to time I allow myself a piece of cake. in the hands of in den Händen von I know that I can leave my dog in the hands of my brother – I totally trust him. businessman/-woman Geschäftsmann/-frau As a businessman/-woman you have to have good communication skills. politician !+pOlI*tISn? Politiker/in Politicians are people who work in politics. bald !bC"ld? glatzköpfig, kahl bald = no hair It’s up to you. Wie du willst/Sie wollen. We can walk or take the bus – it’s up to you . wallet !*wOlIt? Geldbörse, Brieftasche I can’t buy anything. I forgot my wallet . to spend (money) on (Geld) ausgeben Don’t spend all your pocket money on DVDs. 7 conjunction Konjunktion Many linking words are conjunctions . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv