Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

166 Vocabulary V entertainment facility Unterhaltungseinrichtung You can choose among various entertainment facilities . 3 language skills Sprachkenntnisse Language skills are important in the international business world. what kind of welche Art von What kind of food do you prefer? foreigner Ausländer/in I like working as a tourist guide and meeting all kinds of foreigners . 4 newsreader Nachrichtensprecher/in Newsreaders always have to keep up with the latest events. to discern !dI*s3"n? erkennen, wahrnehmen I couldn’t discern any meaning from the strange letter. adjacent !E*dZeIsEnt? anschließend, angrenzend The house was built on the adjacent field. word boundary !w3"d *baUndEri? Wortgrenze The space between two words is called the word boundary . to become clear klar werden It soon became clear to me that he liked me. working knowledge !w3"kIN *nOlIdZ? Grundkenntnisse I have a working knowledge of Italian, but I plan to get better at speaking it soon. to simplify vereinfachen I think you should simplify that text. It’s very hard to understand now. broadcasting service Rundfunk, Sendeanstalt PBS is a private broadcasting service in the US. Unit 2: Identities – what next? snowflake Schneeflocke Do you think it’s true that every snowflake is different? nuisance !*nju"snts? Ärgernis, Belästigung Mobile phones can be a real nuisance in public. mob Mob, (Menschen-)Menge I don’t like situations where there are big mobs in the streets; you never know what will happen next. proverb Sprichwort A proverb is the wisdom of many and the wit of one. 1 to dress up sich schick machen/anziehen This is a really nice restaurant we’re going to, so you’d better dress up . to pretend to be vorgeben zu sein Please stop pretending to be someone you’re not, OK? Just be yourself! to make an impression on jmdn. beeindrucken Her speech really made an impression on me. to take oneself seriously sich selbst ernst nehmen If you want people to respect you you should take yourself a little more seriously . to be characteristic of charakteristisch für sein This laugh is so characteristic of her – I would recognise it anywhere. cliché !*kli"SeI? Klischee It’s a cliché that men can’t cook. prejudice !*predZEdIs? Vorurteil Prejudices can do a lot of harm, so you should work on not having any. in a specific way auf eine bestimmte Art und Weise Sometimes people dress in a specific way to express their attitudes. 4 statement about Äußerung/Erklärung über Please prepare a statement about this topic. view on Meinung über I would really be interested in your view on the book you borrowed from me. How I see myself questionnaire !+kwestSE*neE? Fragebogen Filling in questionnaires in magazines can be fun. to suit best !su"t best? am besten passen We can meet whenever it suits you best . profile Profil Erase all your details by deleting your profile . technical equipment technische Ausrüstung My brother’s not really good with technical equipment – he always asks me to explain it to him. commercial kommerziell He was very unhappy although he was so commercially successful. charity !*tSxrIti? Wohltätigkeitsorganisation My favourite charity is the Red Cross – I really admire their work. to perform on stage auftreten I wouldn’t want to perform on stage – I’m too shy. wind power Windenergie Wind power is a modern form of energy. tactful taktvoll If you are tactful , you make sure you don’t say or do things which would hurt people’s feelings. to express one’s feelings seine Gefühle ausdrücken Sometimes it’s hard to express one’s feelings . characterisation (Personen-)Beschreibung characterisation  character caring fürsorglich You’re such a caring person – maybe you should become a doctor or a nurse! open-minded aufgeschlossen I always thought Peter was quite open-minded , but in fact he seems to be rather intolerant. personnel !+p3"sE*nel? Personal Many of the sales personnel need more training. to take an interest in an etw. interessiert sein Once I take an interest in something I try to read as much about it as I can. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv