Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

165 V Vocabulary 2 recording Aufnahme, Aufzeichnung recording  to record  record linguistic sprachwissenschaftlich, linguistisch linguistic  linguistics  linguist food chain Nahrungskette A cat is higher up the food chain than a mouse. to rank einen Rang einnehmen Where does Mandarin rank when we look at the number of native speakers? tourism Tourismus The number of jobs in tourism varies. speaker interaction Interaktion zwischen Sprecher/- innen Speaker interaction between non-native speakers of English is the topic of several studies. to derive from !dI*raIv frEm? sich ableiten von Four per cent of all English words are derived from proper names. estimated !*estImeItId? geschätzt An estimated ranking of languages shows Mandarin on top with the most native speakers. ranking Rangliste English came second in that ranking . second-language use Zweitsprachenverwendung This is a common mistake in second-language use . to take into account beachten, berücksichtigen There is a huge traffic jam, so please take into account that you’ll need an extra hour to get to the airport. to correspond to entsprechen The results you got correspond to mine. graph Diagramm The graph showed a sharp increase. to decrease verringern, abnehmen This diagram shows a decreasing number of speakers. pie/bar chart Torten-/Balkendiagramm The data were presented as a pie chart . percentage (Prozent-)Anteil A large percentage of the people who use English every day are non-native speakers. to amount to !E*maUnt tu? etw. ausmachen, betragen The repair bill amounts to £300. with regard to in Bezug auf, bezüglich With regard to Sarah, I think she is working too hard. 3 to promote anpreisen, bewerben They invested a lot of money into promoting the new edition of their software. contact details Kontaktdaten If you leave me your contact details I’ll get in touch. The passive voice to focus (on) sich konzentrieren (auf) Sorry, I can’t go out with you tonight. I have to focus on my exams. rather than eher … als In school I concentrate on languages rather than on maths. agent !*eIdZEnt? Handelnde/r In passive sentences, the agent is not important. scientific wissenschaftlich Scientific articles are often written in the passive voice. factual sachbezogen, sachlich A newspaper report is a factual text. emphasis !*empfEsIs? Schwerpunkt, Betonung This week the emphasis in the papers was on the upcoming election. 1 community Gemeinde community = a group of people who live in an area/ share the same interests 2 to compare with vergleichen mit You can’t compare biology with history – they’re two totally different subjects. all in all alles in allem All in all , I like going to school. Check-out 1 proper name Eigenname James, London or The United Nations are all proper names . Old Norse !EUld nC"s? Altnordisch Old Norse was spoken in Scandinavia. 2 to remove entfernen Please don’t remove the magazines – they’re here for everybody to read. proficiency !prE*fISntsi? Fertigkeit, Können Her level of proficiency in English is quite good. in addition zusätzlich In addition , I’m also quite pleased with her Spanish. further studies weitere Studien Further studies could be necessary. to place platzieren, unterbringen All the students are placed in nice families. warmth Wärme There was a lot of warmth and understanding in that group. companionship Gemeinschaft, Kameradschaft I enjoy the companionship in my class at school. true sense of belonging echtes Zugehörigkeitsgefühl Even though we were new to the group there was a true sense of belonging . to encounter !In*kaUntE? treffen We encountered several new friends there. a wide choice of eine große Auswahl an There was a wide choice of different activities. to cater for für etw. sorgen, jmdn. verpflegen We try to cater for all the groups’ individual needs. special dietary requirements !*speSl *daIEtEri rI*kwaIEmEnts? spezielle Ernährungs- bedürfnisse We are proud to meet your special dietary requirements . campus Campus, Universtitätsgelände I’m so glad we’re living on campus . It’s a great way to meet other students. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv