Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

164 Vocabulary V Vocabulary Unit 1: The world speaks English Académie Française !akademi f6Rs4? französische Gelehrten- gesellschaft mit Sitz in Paris most widely used am meisten verwendet Hindi is the most widely used language in India. to make an educated guess eine wohl begründete Vermutung anstellen If you don’t know the answer make an educated guess . 1 Mandarin !*mxndErIn? Mandarin (chinesische Beamtensprache, Grundlage des modernen Chinesisch) The Mandarin language has more native speakers than any other language. Hindi Hindi (Hauptsprache Indiens) Jungle and guru are Hindi words which have become part of the English language. in most situations in den meisten Situationen I’m sorry I yelled at you. In most situations I manage to stay calm, but yesterday I got really angry. Romance/Germanic languages !*rEUmxnts/dZE*mxnIk *lxNGwIdZIz? romanische/germanische Sprachen French is a Romance language , whereas English and German are Germanic languages . Asian !*eIZn? Asiate/Asiatin; asiatisch Asians = people from Asia Languages in use 1 equivalent for !I*kwIvElEnt fE? Entsprechung für Can you think of a German equivalent for furious ? 2 foreign language !*fOrIn *lxNGwIdZ? Fremdsprache A lot of British schools teach French as the first foreign language . grid Tabelle, Gitter Make a grid and write down all the names. intermediate !+IntE*mi"diEt? fortgeschrittener Anfänger An intermediate course is neither easy nor difficult. native (hier:) muttersprachlich I’m a native speaker of German. to give reasons Gründe angeben Please give reasons for your decision. motivation Motivation Everything is easier if you’ve got the right motivation . fluent !*flu"Ent? fließend If you are fluent in French, you can speak it perfectly. spontaneous !spOn*teIniEs? spontan My spontaneous reaction was to get up and leave. unfamiliar unbekannt, ungewohnt She felt nervous about walking along unfamiliar streets. personal details persönliche Details/Angaben Please fill in your personal details . to interact with mit jmdm. kommunizieren All the users can interact with each other directly. Text: The world speaks English 1 noteworthy !*nEUt+w3"Di? bemerkenswert The progress they made was noteworthy . billion Milliarde It seems like a billion years ago. colony Kolonie Australia once was a British colony . controlled by kontrolliert von Before 1989, large parts of Eastern Europe were controlled by the former Soviet Union. World War II (WW II) der Zweite Weltkrieg Many people had to flee their country during WW II. superpower Supermacht Will China and India be the next superpowers ? leading führend The US play a leading role in science and technology. e.g. !+i"*dZi"? z. B. for example (e.g. = lat. exempli gratia) to dominate jmdn./etw. beherrschen, dominieren Classical music terminology is dominated by Italian terms. by English terms von englischen Ausdrücken Business language is dominated by English terms . to adapt anpassen, adaptieren Schools need to adapt to the new situation. to evolve !I*vOlv? sich entwickeln French has evolved from Latin. to take root Wurzeln schlagen The new plants should take root soon and start growing. to challenge herausfordern He challenged me to a tennis match. to be tied to gebunden sein an The value of the euro is closely tied to the world economy. globalisation Globalisierung Globalisation makes the world seem smaller. prime Haupt- Her prime goal was to become a doctor. dominant dominierend In the animal world males are often dominant . such as wie Countries such as Greece are popular with tourists. air traffic control Flugsicherung The decision to keep all aircraft on the ground was taken by air traffic control . notably besonders I enjoy learning new languages – notably Russian and Spanish. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv