Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Conditional clause Main clause If I were you, If he were here, I ’d apply for the job. what do you think he ’d do ? In a more formal style use were , not was , after if . If I won the lottery, If I went to Australia, I could travel round the world. I might see some kangaroos. Could/Might can replace would in the main clause to show that something is less certain . d) Conditional 3 – unreal conditions in the past Conditional 3 describes possibilities in the past that did not happen . It’s impossible to fulfil the condition because it’s too late. Conditional clause Main clause If she hadn’t spent so much money on her car, she wouldn’t have been so angry about the crash. Most common form: If + past perfect, would/could/might + have + past participle If Jones hadn’t been injured, If you had told him about the meeting, we could have won the match. he might have called the boss right away. Could/Might can replace would in the main clause to make the possibility less certain . Englische Laute Konsonanten Vokale Doppellaute !N? morn ing !A"? f a ther !aI? I , m y !r? r ed !0? b u t !aU? n ow , h ou se !s? thi s !e? p e n !eE? th er e, p air !z? i s !E? a sist er !eI? n a me, th ey !Z? televi si on !3"? g ir l !IE? h ere , id ea !dZ? pa ge !x? fl a t !CI? b oy !S? sh e !I? i t !EU? hell o !tS? ch air !i? happ y !UE? s ure !D? th e !i"? t ea cher, sh e !T? th anks !O? g o t Zusätzliche Zeichen !v? v ideo !C"? b a ll !*? Hauptakzent auf der !w? w ow, o ne !U? b oo k nachfolgenden Silbe !u? Jan u ary !+? Nebenakzent auf der !u"? t oo , t wo nachfolgenden Silbe Alle anderen Zeichen werden genauso ausgesprochen, wie sie geschrieben werden, z. B. !b? , !l? , !m? usw. Abkürzungen und Zeichen adj. adjective etw. etwas sth. something AE American English jmdm. jemandem 1 In dieser Übung kommen die Wörter vor. Aus. Australian English jmdn. jemanden  ist das Gegenteil von BE British English pl. Plural  ist verwandt mit coll. colloquial sb. somebody = entspricht 163 G Grammar Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv