Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

End position The hill was so steep that we could only go slowly . Sam had prepared the trip really well . Adverbs of manner usually appear in end position: slowly, carefully, hard, well , etc. We stopped for the night s omewhere near Brighton . After the long ride everybody was very tired in the evening . Adverbs/Adverbials of place and time usually take end position. Let’s meet at the station tomorrow morning . We went to Scotland two years ago . If there are two adverbials at the end of the sentence, the normal word order is place before time . G 13 Indirect speech  Page 112 When you convert direct speech into indirect speech, be aware of the following changes: Backshift of tenses if the reporting verb is in a tense of the past tense group Adaptation of personal pronouns and possessives to the point of view of the person reporting Adaptation of expressions of time and place to the point of view of the person reporting Changes in sentence type , e.g. question  indirect question, imperative  infinitive construction Direct speech Indirect speech present tense  past tense “We like the way you handle stress.” The manager told me that they liked the way I handled stress. present perfect  past perfect “We ’ve been looking for someone like you.” He said they had been looking for someone like me. past tense  past perfect “We had a very nice student here, but he left us last week.” He said that they had had a very nice student there, but that he had left them the week before. will  would “We ’ll pay you ten pounds an hour.” He told me that they would pay me ten pounds an hour. question word  question word “When can you start?” He wanted to know when I could start. no question word  whether or if “Do you live in the city?” He asked me whether I lived in the city. command  infinitive with (not) to “ Try to get here as early as possible.” “And don’t believe the stories you’ve heard about us.” He told me to get there as early as possible. And he told me not to believe the stories I had heard about them. 161 G Grammar Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv