Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

G 9 The infinitive with to  Page 92 The infinitive with to We’ve decided to do a project on child labour. After certain verbs the infinitive describes something that is going to happen: to decide, to expect, to want, to wish , etc. Our teacher wants us to collect as much material as possible. After verbs like to allow, to expect, to want, to wish, would like , etc. a direct object (us) can be placed between the verb and the infinitive . It isn’t difficult to find enough information. You can use the infinitive after adjectives . At first we didn’t know how to start . You can use the infinitive after question words : how, what, which, who, when, where and whether . Of course we aren’t the only ones to do a project like that. You can use the infinitive after the first, the last and the only one/person. We have the chance to present our project to the whole school. You can use the infinitive after certain nouns : chance, decision, freedom, plan, wish , etc. Exception: After chance of you need to use a gerund : We had no chance of winning the game. G 10 The infinitive with to after for + (pro)noun  Page 92 Adjective/ Noun for + (pro)noun Infinitive with to It is It is difficult important for children for them to imagine to grow up what adult life is like. in a safe environment. It is often But there is a problem no need for young people for us to find to worry the right job. about that yet. Infinitives with to are often used after adjectives + for + (pro)noun . They are also used after nouns + for + (pro)noun . G 11 Gerund or infinitive?  Page 92 a) Infinitive = gerund Verb + infinitive Verb + gerund We ’ve started to collect material for our human rights project. I ’ve started cutting pictures out of magazines. There is a number of verbs that can be followed by a gerund or an infinitive without any difference in meaning: to like, to love, to hate, to prefer, to begin, to continue and to start . 158 Grammar G Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv