Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

must needn’t to have to to not have to I really must start on that human rights essay now. I still have to do some reading first. Luckily I needn’t write more than four pages. Last week I had to do an awful lot of work. This week I ’ll have to do some revision, too. G 8 The gerund  Page 91 The gerund Fighting for one’s rights isn’t always easy. The gerund , like a noun, can be the subject of a sentence. People in democratic countries can’t imagine living without basic rights and freedoms. The gerund often comes as an object after certain verbs: to enjoy, to finish, to imagine, to keep in mind, to suggest , etc. My friends always talk about organizing a protest march. But so far they haven’t done anything. You can use the gerund after verbs + prepositions : to dream of, to feel like, to look forward to, to talk about, to think of , etc. Perhaps they are afraid of getting into trouble at school. You can also use the gerund after adjectives + prepositions : to be afraid of, to be famous for, to be good/bad at, to be interested in, to be keen on, to be/get used to , etc. Most people think that the idea of living in an authoritarian society is awful. The gerund also comes after certain nouns + prepositions : a/the chance of, in danger of, an/the idea of, practice in, a/the way of . In spite of living in luxury, some people still aren’t happy. They should enjoy their lives instead of worrying all the time. We hear about child labour and slavery without realising that it exists in our country, too. Together with certain prepositions the gerund can be part of an adverbial : apart from, by, in spite of, instead of, without . Be careful with must, mustn’t and needn’t! I must do that.  Ich muss das tun. I mustn’t do that.  Ich darf das nicht tun. I needn’t do that.  Ich brauche das nicht zu tun. I don’t have to do that.  Ich muss das nicht tun. ! 157 G Grammar Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv