Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Adverbial clause of reason Participle construction Some young people don’t go to university right away after A-levels because they want to see the world first . Wanting to see the world first , some young people don’t go to university right away after A-levels. Lots of people look for jobs in other countries because they are attracted by better pay . Attracted by better pay , lots of people look for jobs in other countries. Adverbial clauses of reason often are introduced by because . The participle construction may stand at the beginning because the order of main clause and subordinate clause can be changed. Constructions with the present participle are like active sentences : Want ing to … = Because they want to … Constructions with the past participle are like passive sentences : Attract ed by … = They are attracted by … e) Perfect participles in place of adverbial clauses Adverbial clause of time Perfect participle After they had found out that houses in France were much cheaper , they decided to move to Normandy. Having found out that houses in France were much cheaper , they decided to move to Normandy. After he had been employed by a computer firm for five years , he started his own business. Having been employed by a computer firm for five years , he started his own business. Adverbial clause of reason Perfect participle They found living in France difficult at first because they hadn’t learned any French at school. Not having learned any French at school , they found living in France difficult at first. You can use the perfect participle to say that something happened before another action in the past began. Having + past participle (Having found out, Not having learned) equals the active verb forms (had found out, hadn’t learned) . Having been + past participle (Having been employed) equals the passive verb forms (had been employed) . G 6 Dynamic verbs and stative verbs  Pages 56–57 Verb forms In English, each tense has a simple form and a progressive form . All English verbs can be used in the simple form. The progressive form on the other hand can only be used with verbs that describe an activity . Those verbs are called dynamic verbs . Verbs which normally only occur in the simple form are called stative verbs . 154 Grammar G Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv