Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

“Going to” future Marco has decided what he wants to do after GCSEs. He is going to stay on at school. And he ’s going to take some A-levels. Use the “going to” future when you have a plan to do something in the future. Lucy hasn’t seen that bag on the floor. She ’s going to fall over it. It’s raining heavily. We ’re going to get terribly wet. Use the “going to” future when you have sufficient evidence that something is sure to happen. Present progressive Naomi: What are you doing this weekend, Pete? Pete: Well, on Saturday I ’m helping at the dogs’ home. But I ’m not doing anything special on Sunday. Use the present progressive when you talk about arrangements for the future (often with future adverbials like tomorrow, next week, etc.). Simple present Marsha: When does your interview in Leicester start , Jason? Jason: It begins at 10.30. Marsha: And when does your train leave ? Jason: It leaves Peterborough at 8.54 and gets to Leicester at 9.51. So I’ll have lots of time. Use the simple present for timetable information in the future (train times, programmes, etc.). G 3 Present and past forms  Page 26 a) Present forms Simple present Marco goes to school in Peterborough. He sometimes works in his parents’ coffee bar. Use the simple present when you talk about things that happen regularly , often or never . It is frequently used to talk about hobbies or jobs. Sentences in the simple present often contain adverbials like every day, always, often, sometimes, never, regularly, etc. Kangaroos live in Australia and in Tasmania. Wet wood doesn’t burn well. Use the simple present when you talk about facts like natural laws or typical qualities. In Romeo and Juliet Romeo meets Juliet at a party. They fall in love at once. But they find it difficult to meet because their families are enemies. Also use the simple present for summaries . Present progressive Smile, please. I ’m taking your picture! My sister is watching something on TV at the moment. Use the present progressive to describe something that is happening at the moment . Sentences in the present progressive often contain adverbials like at the moment, just/right now , etc. 150 Grammar G Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv