Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

G 1 The passive voice  Page 11 Most sentences are in the active voice . They state something about the agent of an action, i.e. who does what: I take out the rubbish every day. Sentences in the passive voice , on the other hand, state something about what happens to a person or thing; the agent is not important: The rubbish is taken out every day. If you want to include the agent use by : The rubbish is taken out by me every day. Passive sentences are formed by using a form of to be + past participle . They are generally found in more formal kinds of texts such as newspaper articles, reports and historical or scientific texts. The passive voice Olive oil is made in Spain. Pineapples aren’t grown in Austria. All the books were sold in one week. Were all the books sold in one week? Everything will be solved tomorrow. Will everything be solved tomorrow? To form negations add not to the form of to be . To form questions switch the form of to be and the subject. G 2 Talking about the future  Page 18 There are four different forms you can use when talking about the future in English. “Will” future By the time Naomi has finished school she will be 18. Use the “will” future to talk about events in the future that you cannot influence. I expect she ’ll go on to university. She ’ll probably do very well. Use the “will” future after certain verbs (e.g. to think, to expect, to be sure ) and adverbs (e.g. probably, perhaps ) to express assumptions and predictions . Hey, Zach, this is hard. – OK. I ’ll help you with the exercise. The books are terribly heavy. Will you carry some of them, please? Use the “will” future when you spontaneously offer help or ask for help . If Pete wants to be a vet, he ’ll have to do well in his A-levels. In conditional sentences (type 1) the “will” future is used to express a result in the future . 149 G Grammar Nu zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv