Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Grammar The following pages sum up the grammar structures that have been dealt with in the units 1 to 10. The individual chapters are numbered G 1 to G 14 , page references (e.g.  Page 11 ) help you to find the grammar items in the units. You’ll find lots of example sentences, idiomatic expressions and useful tips. Table of contents Chapter Subchapter Page G 1 The passive voice (  Page 11) 149 G 2 Talking about the future (  Page 18) 149 G 3 Present and past forms (  Page 26) a) Present forms 150 b) Past forms 151 G 4 Defining and non-defining relative clauses (  Page 40) 152 G 5 Participles (  Pages 52–53) 152 a) Participles in place of relative clauses 153 b) Participles in place of adverbial clauses 153 G 6 Dynamic verbs and stative verbs (  Pages 56–57) 154 a) Dynamic verbs 155 b) Stative verbs 155 c) Verbs that can be used statively and dynamically 155 G 7 Modal verbs (  Page 84) 156 G 8 The gerund (  Page 91) 157 G 9 The infinitive with to (  Page 92) 158 G 10 The infinitive with to after for + (pro)noun (  Page 92) 158 G 11 Gerund or infinitive? (  Page 92) a) Infinitive  gerund 158 b) Gerund  infinitive 159 G 12 Adjectives and adverbs (  Page 108) a) Regular comparative and superlative forms b) Irregular comparative and superlative forms 159 159 c) Adjectives that have the same form as adverbs 160 d) Adverbs with two different forms 160 e) The position of adverbs/adverbials (adverbial phrases) in the sentence 160 G 13 Indirect speech (  Page 112) 161 G 14 Conditional clauses (  Page 132) a) Conditional 1 – real conditions 162 b) Conditional 2 – unreal conditions 162 c) Conditional 3 – unreal conditions in the past 163 148 Grammar G Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv