Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Useful tips Photo • Only include a photo if you think it will help you get the job. Order • The British and American version of your CV go from present to past, so start with the most recent events and go backwards (education, work experience). Names of schools etc. • Do not translate names of schools, companies and qualifications. CV/resume • BE: CV (= curriculum vitae), AE: resume Job description • Briefly describe what you did in your previous jobs. Also include the relevance and skills you have learned. Do not waffle! • All positions of responsibility, no matter where, are relevant – clubs, societies, etc. Interests • Use your interests to show what kind of person you are. Mistakes • Check your CV for mistakes! Marks • If you are satisfied with your exam results and you feel they improve your CV, include them. This also goes for good predicted marks. Languages • Differentiate between: excellent knowledge of English, working knowledge of English and basic knowledge of English. 147 W Writing guide Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv