Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Example answer b) A blog post Example question It is often said that travel broadens the mind, but should young people spend a period of time travelling before settling down to work or study? You have decided to write a post on SEE-THE-WORLD, a travel blog for young people. In your blog post you should: • describe negative aspects of travelling • discuss the importance of travelling • state your opinion on seeing the world Give your blog post a title . Write around 200 words . Example answer by Frank022 13 December, 7:01 p.m. In response to RelaxedGirl’s post I can only say that I couldn’t disagree more. She claims that surfing the net for hours is a waste of time, that we should give that up and start living now. RelaxedGirl’s not the only one who shares that point of view, and while I know I probably can’t change her mind, I’d like to present other arguments opposing her views. Researchers have proven that there are many forms of “experience”: real life experience, experience through dreams, through imagination and now through spending time online. Through the www, you can increase your social skills and general knowledge. It’s still unbelievable for me how much I’ve learned about the world we live in, and all this has had a very positive impact on my real-world life. Moving around on the net anonymously also has its positive sides. You aren’t judged on the basis of your real- world age, health, appearance, job or financial status. You present the image you want and people will answer to that. Maybe they’ll like you and your views; maybe they won’t, no problem at all. Many people have claimed that because of this, they’ve felt free to express themselves better, make decisions more confidently and become more independent. All in all, you have to say that the benefits of the net outweigh the bad sides! by B.Traveller 4 November, 3:44 p.m. See the world? People sometimes believe that they haven’t really had a proper holiday unless they have spent it somewhere far away – in Thailand, Bali or other remote places. Although you can generally profit from visiting new countries, there are also some negative things you should think of. First of all, you may find that the food is disgusting and yucky. If you don’t know the language, you may find local people unfriendly, impolite and strange. Of course, trips abroad cost a lot as well. And, if you try to travel cheaply, like hitchhiking, you might find yourself in dangerous situations. However, the benefits of travelling outweigh the negative sides. You can experience new cultures and have a break from everyday life. This can be absolutely relaxing and broadens your horizon, as you can see many unusual places. The memories will stay with you all your life. Making friends with people from all over the world is great! Despite the fact that they are not all positive, the experiences you have while travelling will help you become more mature. In my opinion, seeing the world before you settle down is therefore absolutely necessary. 142 Writing guide W Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv