Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

3 Writing: eBooks or printed books? The librarian of your school has received extra budget to purchase new books for the library. He/She is not sure whether to invest in printed books or in the eBook technology. You, as a student representative, are asked about your opinion. Write a formal letter of about 200 words to your librarian suggesting what to do. In your letter, … • describe which technology you prefer and why. • explain why the eBook will/won’t replace the printed book. • give examples for other types of media a school library should offer. 4 Language in use: Talking about possible and imaginary events using the conditional Fill in the gaps with the words below using the correct conditional forms. Amy: I wish I were an only child like you! Tess: And I wish I had brothers or sisters like you. Amy: Really, Tess? You wouldn ’ t say that if you (1) mine, especially my twin sister Mel. I will get mad if she (2) to get on my nerves much longer. Tess: Don ’ t be so horrible! If I (3) you I ’ d try to sort out your problems with her. If you (4) to her like a nice sister she will also be nice to you, I m sure. Amy: You know what? Mel and I even tried to build a wall through our bedroom, but it fell down! If we (5) steel and concrete it might have not collapsed. But Mel suggested cardboard. What a cow. Tess: No walls then! Mooh! But I guess you wouldn ’ t fight so much if you (6) your own bedrooms. Can ’ t you turn your hobby room into your bedroom? Amy: Brilliant idea! But if we (7) it into my room, then my parents would have to get rid of all their junk, like Mum ’ s fitness bike and Dad ’ s computer. What do you think? Tess: Hm. And your sister surely would be jealous if you (8) a bigger room. Can collate short pieces of information from several sources and summarise them for somebody else. (B1) use have (3x) talk continue be turn 137 10 Books Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv