Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

2 Conditional 2: Talking about imaginary or unreal situations a) Study the dialogue below and pay attention to the verb forms. Joanne: If you took part in the poetry competition, you could win a scholarship! Monica: Yes, I know – but I have decided not to. I told you: I would not be able to continue with ice-hockey if I concentrated on the contest now. Joanne: But you wouldn’t have to give up sports if you prepared for the competition! If I were you, I’d just take some of my favourite poems and carefully proofread them. Monica: I don’t know … Patrick might not want to be together with me anymore if I turned into a poet. Joanne: Ah, so that’s what this is all about. Line_Chat b) Would you ever do this? Write sentences about the situations below. Example: read your best friend’s diary  I would only read my best friend’s diary if he read mine first. read your best friend’s diary do a bungee jump eat cat food paint your face green learn to speak Chinese travel to Alaska spend ¤1,000 on clothes c) Give advice on how to succeed in a writing competition. Start like this: If I were you, I’d … . 3 Conditional 3: Talking about imaginary situations in the past a) Match the sentence halves below! 1. I would have sent you a postcard A if she had posted the letter earlier. 2. John could have found a new job B if it hadn’t been so cold. 3. I might have never met Frank C if he had stayed in Cheshire. 4. We would have swum in the sea D if you had given me your address. 5. Her poem would have been accepted E if you hadn’t given me his e-mail address. b) Write a sentence for each situation using the conditional 3. Example: Matthew saw the latest part of his favourite computer game in an electronics shop yesterday. The only problem was that he did not have enough money.  Matthew would have bought the game if he had had enough money. 1. On Sundays Jeremy’s family always has breakfast on the veranda. Unfortunately, it rained last Sunday. 2. London had so much snow last week that all the airports were closed. That’s why Verena could not visit her uncle there. 3. Sandra loves her flowers and waters them every day. But she has had so much to do lately that she completely forgot. As a result, her plants have died. 4. Norah is completely into football and had been looking forward to seeing the match last week for months. Unfortunately, she lost her ticket and couldn’t get in. 5. Trevor never plans things carefully. So he got on the wrong train yesterday and missed his sister’s wedding. 133 10 Books Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv